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when I write by mail at francoise.kremer[at]femsante.com or direction[at]femsante.com I have a mail delivery system and I want to know why ? :wacko:

Well, posting into SpamCop Discussion > Discussions & Observations > How to use .... > SpamCop Forum to ask the question sure doesn't seem prudent. Failing to provide the requsted data needed "for us to help you" doesn't help to move things along either.

Moving to the Forum Section titled, described, defined, and set up for BL questions .. as I believe that this is what is meant by the statements made / question asked ....

What is the IP address in question? Do you have a copy of a rejection notice that might explain something / provide some of the missing details?

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when I write by mail at francoise.kremer[at]femsante.com or direction[at]femsante.com I have a mail delivery system and I want to know why ? :wacko:

Wow... you made almost any possible mistake in your first post! Wrong forum, generic title, no information about the problem, no error message...

Please read the pinned items:

[How-to] Post a Question (and prevent stupid/rude answers)

Want to post about your email being blocked?

Why Am I Blocked? FAQ, Please read before posting

You should not expect a good answer without providing any information.

Good luck,

A. Friend

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If bOMBJACK is sending through noos.fr there are problems with some IP addresses in that network but we will need the details mentioned by Wazoo and A_Friend. There are 2320 addresses sending mail in that group (if it even *is* noos). We cannot guess.

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  • 1 month later...

hello !!

:D i am nicolas mignard the webmaster of the association of women's for ever now you can write to direction[at]femsante.com or francoise.kremer[at]femsante.com the site is repaired and we give you an aswer as soon as possible

if you have always any problem you can write to femme pour toujours women's for ever 17 rue des nannette paris 75011 france we give you an answer too

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englisht :

hello !!

i am nicolas mignard the webmaster of the association of women's for ever now you can write to direction[at]femsante.com or francoise.kremer[at]femsante.com the site is repaired and we give you an aswer as soon as possible

if you have always any problem you can write to femme pour toujours women's for ever 17 rue des nannette paris 75011 france we give you an answer too

french :

:D bonjour je suis nicolas mignard le web master de l'assocition femme pour toujours le site ete en reconstruction maintenant vous pouvez ecrite a direction[at]femsante.com ou francoise.kremer[at]femsante.com nous vous donnerons un reponse aussi vite que possible

si vous avez toujours des problemes vous pouvez ecrire a femme pour toujours 17 rue des nannettes paris 11e france nou vous donnerons aussi une reponse

vous pouvez téléphone au (00 33) 1 47 00 00 02 autre pays que la france

pour la france 01 47 00 00 02

mais cette ligne est reserver au partenaire et a l'administation

si vous voulez des renseignement sur les probleme tel qiue la menopause, incontinence ...

nous avons un service clientele 08 26 62 31 95 pour la france pour l'etranger cette ligne n'a pas ete tester

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I see no answer provided. Both people are posting from the same IP address, both registered with a noos.fr address, noting matches to the web-site mentioned. Trying to guess at what was not translated well is a bit difficult. First poster stated "when I write by mail at ...." and the initial thoughts were that e-mail was being sent "to" those listed addresses. Now a second poster arrives and within the marketing speil for this web-site, mention is made that both of those addresses can be written to (one of which does appear in the WHOIS data) ....

However, the "site has been repaired" doesn't explain anything .... why two people would be posting here, both apparently focused on getting two e-mail addresses in view, the second additionally going into a lot more detail "about" the web-site .... but making absolutely no comments about any e-mail issue ...????

The site itself seems to be about older womenr and some health issues, but ... flash/shockwave crap, etc. not allowed to play here, so maybe I'm missing a lot by not seeing all the pictures ...???

HTML is a bit odd ... page starts and ends with some strange "mirrored from ..." statements ... not groking why there would be four lines total, commented out, different timestamps, and referencing the same page as the source ...????

12/27/06 03:49:31 Browsing http://femsante.com/

Fetching http://femsante.com/ ...

GET / HTTP/1.1

Host: femsante.com

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:49:30 GMT

Server: Apache/1.3.37

Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 04:49:52 GMT


<!-- Mirrored from www.femsante.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2006], Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:40:05 GMT -->

<!-- Mirrored from www.femsante.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2006], Tue, 22 Aug 2006 18:58:41 GMT -->




<!-- Mirrored from www.femsante.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2006], Tue, 22 Aug 2006 14:40:27 GMT -->

<!-- Mirrored from www.femsante.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2006], Tue, 22 Aug 2006 18:58:42 GMT -->

Sorry, but I still don't know what the Topic starter actually meant, and this next user hasn't done much to clear that up. I'm actually debating whether the 'additional data' should be left standing ... that's really all I'm seeing .. an advertisement for the web-site ....

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