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Block entire domain

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I have a spamcop account and use the web mail spamcop to filter mail before I download to Eudora. I receive 100-200 spams a day. The subject line is the same for about 30 days then changes to another one.

Under blacklist filters in spamcops web e-mail options, I wish to block an entire domain. For example:; I do not now, or ever, wish to receive mail from ....[at]cn.com ( the cn domain ). I have tried to make a filter to block all e-mail from cn.com as below:




The filter will not take in my spamcop account. Suggestions...........

Thank you

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First one ... this has nothing to do with the SpamCopDNSBL ... so moving this to the SpamCop.net E-Mail Account Help Forum section with this post .....

The second is pointing out that the SpamCop FAQ here has a whole section devoted to the E-mail account function, several entries on white/black-listing ... question would be which ones did you look at that did not offer you any help?

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I have a spamcop account and use the web mail spamcop to filter mail before I download to Eudora. I receive 100-200 spams a day. The subject line is the same for about 30 days then changes to another one.

Under blacklist filters in spamcops web e-mail options, I wish to block an entire domain. For example:; I do not now, or ever, wish to receive mail from ....[at]cn.com ( the cn domain ). I have tried to make a filter to block all e-mail from cn.com as below:




The filter will not take in my spamcop account. Suggestions...........

In the SpamCop FAQ linked at the top of every page here, in the Email account section, there is a topic titled: FAQ about the Personal Blacklist and Whitelist. In that entry, there is another link titled: How do entries work? Your answer is in there.

Now that I have taught you to fish, I will give you the fish: use ONLY cn.com and it will block what you want as long as the from address is forged with a cn.com address. The whitelist/blacklist only work on the (often forged) delivery addresses which is why, by themselves, they are not very effective at stopping spam.

By the way, cn.com is not the same as domain.cn from China.

Domain Name: CN.COM

Administrative Contact , Technical Contact :

Department, Technical


64-66 Coleman Street

London, UK EC2R 5BX


Phone: +44.8700170900

Fax: +44.8700170901

Record expires on 05-Jun-2011

Record created on 06-Jun-1998

Database last updated on 28-Jun-2006

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Do you know the answer or not ???? I looked and did not find anything to help me. You seem to be the Hitler on this list. Take your list and shove it. This is the second time you came back with a a**h*#e answer. Ban me, I am out of here, ask for help and retards like you respond. What a a**h*#e you must be.

First one ... this has nothing to do with the SpamCopDNSBL ... so moving this to the SpamCop.net E-Mail Account Help Forum section with this post .....

The second is pointing out that the SpamCop FAQ here has a whole section devoted to the E-mail account function, several entries on white/black-listing ... question would be which ones did you look at that did not offer you any help?

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Do you know the answer or not ???? I looked and did not find anything to help me.
For the sake of futurity - you didn't respond to StevenUnderwood's post immediately before that (and then you "top posted" which is relatively hard to do with a posting here). I'm wondering if these's some sort of view thing going on (standard Vs threaded). Steven's post indicated How do (whitelist and blacklist) entries work? The tactic of aiming people at the resources is so than inquiring minds have the opportunity to browse all sorts of other pertinent (or maybe just interesting) stuff that might catch their eye along the way. Not all are so inclined. But for those others, there is the problem that not all moderators have the time, opportunity or inclination to track down specific links or compose paraphrasing answers at the time of demand.
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Do you know the answer or not ???? I looked and did not find anything to help me. You seem to be the Hitler on this list. Take your list and shove it. This is the second time you came back with a


...This is the second time you've come back with a rude, insulting attitude to an answer you didn't like. Having a question to ask and not being able to find the answer in the FAQ (especially when you do not say you have done that in your initial post and refuse to reply to reasonable inquiries such as, tell us what you looked for so we can improve the FAQ to make it easier for the next person who wants an answer to the same question) does not entitle you to reply in any old manner you wish. Take your lousy attitude to someplace that has participants who are willing to deal with it, if you can find one -- we aren't interested.

...Thank you for very much for leaving, I truly appreciate it!

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  • 1 month later...
Do you know the answer or not ???? I looked and did not find anything to help me. You seem to be the Hitler on this list. Take your list and shove it. This is the second time you came back with a a**h*#e answer. Ban me, I am out of here, ask for help and retards like you respond. What a a**h*#e you must be.

Listen jackass, you can't block an IP owner like cn.com, unless that's the address that the spam message has listed as 'FROM'. Since 99.999999% of all spam has a fake 'FROM' address, it's pointless to take this approach to blocking spam.

If you don't know how block lists and filtering works, use teH interneTz and look sh** up before you come here and act like you have.

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