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I have a Server (Power-Server) which is hosted by strato.

When I tried to switch to the mailhost system, i was asked for my email.

So I gave:


This is one of the emails i configured on my server.

when it came to the test-email, i was given TWO emails:

one at


This one worked fine and could be verified.

The other one was:


which i do not know.

My server can also be reached via


(the xxxxx is actually a number, that i don´t want to state here)

Still i received the test-email, but when i tried to verify it, the system said: cannot, because has been transfered through other... something like that.

Is my mailhost-configuration now completed or not?

I am really confused... :-(


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No IP addresses provided, munged adresses/Domains .... just how exactly would you suggest that any of the folks volunteering their time here to try to help could possible research anything for you?

There is the plethora of FAQs, Pinned items, Wiki entries, previous queries with answers in existence here, yet .... did you look at any of these?

I'll start with the documented 'here' that 'the database' involved is 'shared' ... This comes up repeatedly, over and over, again and again, ad infinitum, rinse and repeat, ....

There is no "mailhost system" .... there is the "MailHost Configuration of your Reporting Account" .. which then involves a bit of a different section of parsing code during the analysis of your spam submittal to actually use that configuration data .... you are still using the SpamCop.net Parsing & Reporting 'system.

Is it done?

This is also documented .... the only way to really tell is to run a parse and see what the results look like. And even then, the parse may be good today, bad tomorrow based on other things changing in the way your e-mail gets handled, so checking a parse result is in fact a recommended standard procedure, even after things 'seem OK' ....

But again, there is no way to 'look' at anything on your behalf due to you not providing any of the specific details. If you feel the need to keep everything a deep dark secret, then follow the guidance offered in the FAQs, Pinned entries, and elsewhere, actually all over the place, send your e-mail directly to the only folks with direct access to the involved database, provide them with all the details you didn't provide here, and prepare to wait while one of those three people wade through the 800-1800 e-nails a day they receive and eventually get to yours ....

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Considering, that this mailhost-stuff is supposed to be the future of spamcop, this will be the end of this system, no kidding.

I am just a simple user trying to make spamcop work.

I read the faq´s for 2 hours until i finally posted here.

Still I do not understand the whole business.

Run a parse?

Yes I searched for "parse" and found hundreds of entries - still i do not know how to do one...

Not much help here...

I am going to revert to the old system. "Thanks" anyway :angry:


P.S. No, I am not going to publish my email-Addy, my IP address or anything like that. Nobody in the right mind would do such a think. Honestly.

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The mailhost configuration of your account lists the IP addresses from which your email comes so that the parser knows your IP address in the parse and does not choose it for notification. (at least that's my layman's understanding)

There is the possibility of your email coming from a number of different IP addresses (which this laywoman is afraid to explain because she doesn't understand it very well - particularly for hosted websites, but primarily because larger ISPs have several mail servers and choose the one that isn't busy).

Since your server can be reaced through the other domain, which probably has a different IP address, that's why the mailhost configuration wanted to add it also. Why you got an error message, I don't know. Even if you had given the exact wording, I probably couldn't tell. However, others here might know if you had given the exact error message.

It is not a good idea to post email addresses because spiders do harvest them. However, you can mung them so that spiders can't see them by altering the [at] symbol like [at] and you have given your domain name already which should be what's on the right of the [at]. IP addresses are public knowledge. There is no secrecy about them. Anyone can find it out whenever you post. I probably could though I am not going to try because it takes me forever to figure out how to do it.

There is a difference between the way the parser looks at mailhost configured accounts and non-mailhosted accounts. If you had posted a Tracking URL (in the FAQ), someone here could tell you whether the configuration was successful or not.

Mailhost configuration is essential for quick reporting (or the other names it is called in the email system) because in quick reporting, the reporter does not verify that the reports are going to the correct server admin and if something goes wrong with the parser sequence, may report his own ISP (who gets cranky when that happens).

As long as you are looking at each report before it is sent, then you don't have to have mailhost configuration. If not, then, although you were patient enough to try to read the FAQ, you had better extend your patience to learn a little bit more so that you can be sure you have completed the mailhost configuration properly. And be aware that, if your ISP changes something, it may affect your mailhost configuration and you will have to make adjustments again.

Miss Betsy

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... Run a parse?

Yes I searched for "parse" and found hundreds of entries - still i do not know how to do one...

Not much help here...

Yes, that can be confusing. When you submit spam (to your "submit" address), the parse of each spam is in the detail available in your past reports. Leaving that aside for the moment, for a one-off, "paste-in" parse, just log in to you members page via http://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=loginform It would be a good idea to have "Show technical data" selected under Reporting preferences, Preferences tab from the members page at this stage. You can copy and paste an individual spam example (with full headers) into the submission box, submit it and review the results of the parse when it is completed. You then have the alternative choices of either sending reports or cancelling reports. Whether sent or cancelled, emailed or pasted-in, you can review and share the details in your past reports, a tab on the member page. The tracking URL is shown at the top of the parse record.
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Considering, that this mailhost-stuff is supposed to be the future of spamcop, this will be the end of this system, no kidding.

Considering that Julian came up with this modification to the toolset a few years back, it's hard to see how you have calculated SpamCop.net's demise only in the last couple of days ....

I am just a simple user trying to make spamcop work.

and, "we" are just other users trying to answer your questions ....

I read the faq´s for 2 hours until i finally posted here.

Still I do not understand the whole business.

Curious, in that there is but one entry on the 'official' FAQ page(s) about the MailHost Configuration of your Reporting Account ..... there are numerous pages 'here' these days, though noting when I first put things together here for an alternative FAQ, the MailHost Configuration thing was not a part of that work .... those specific entries came much later, are still incomplete due to the lack of help/support from those same three people mentioned above .... so, what I am curious about .... where did you find "2 hours" worth of FAQ stuff to read about the MailHost Configuration of your Reporting Account?

Run a parse?

Yes I searched for "parse" and found hundreds of entries - still i do not know how to do one...

Not much help here...

I am going to revert to the old system. "Thanks" anyway :angry:

Again, there is no such thing as "two systems" .... the Parsing & Reporting system only exists on the IronPort hardware located on the west coast of the U.S. The only 'difference' is the "MailHost Configuration of your Reporting Account" ..... which would also imply that you in fact already had, and continue to hint that you have used an actual "Reporting Account" .... It is not known to me how you could have and use a SpamCop.net "Reporting Account" and not know what a "parse" is ......

P.S. No, I am not going to publish my email-Addy, my IP address or anything like that. Nobody in the right mind would do such a think. Honestly.

Yep, you're right. As seen in the thousands of previous posts here, in the newsgroupsm and everywhere else in the world. There was a reason that I modified the code in this application to mung e-mail addresses posted intentionally or not .. IP addresses are the way the 'net' works. Data on connections and servers is publicly accessible data, yet, in order to even attempt to provide you any assistance, these are the bare minimum of facts needed so some research can be accomplished.

Basic suggestion, take a few minutes and look at any of the existing 'other' Topics/Discussion to see how things (usually) get worked out. The additional request, explain your problem with whatever you spent two hours reading (identifying that area, tool, resource, whatever ...) and make a suggestion as to just what / why you couldn't find 'anything' .... between the 'official' FAQ, the single-page-access-expanded version here, the Dictionary, the Glossary, the Wiki, the existing previous Discussions .... it's very hard to 'guess' just where you ran into what exact issues .....

Just for background data for others .... user registered here with a spamcop.net e-mail address and is posting via a German (Deutschland) ISP, so there is a probable language issue involved .....

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