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Anyone else see Scott Richter on The Daily Show?

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I was watching The Daily Show to see a political interview, so I damned near fell out of my chair when I suddenly saw Scott Richter on my screen! I'd love to post a transcript of the interview here, but I'm at work and can't get to Comedy Central. (Don't know if they do transcripts, either.) The highlight of the entire bit was when the interviewer said that Richter was "like a garbageman... in reverse," and Scotty didn't get it. They also asked for Richter's personal email account and asked if they could put it onscreen. Scott said "I wish you wouldn't," and it was blinking away onscreen the whole time.


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That was a hoot!!!

My favorite part was when Scotty insists he's not a "spammer", but rather a "high-volume-email-deployer" or words to that effect. Later on on Richter starts into railing against the "anti-spammers", interviewer Rob Corddry interrupts with "Wait, you mean 'anti-high-volume-email-deployers', don't you?". This COMPLETELY threw Richter; he didn't get that either until he thought about it.

I was laughing about that all evening. I didn't like Corddry much when he started on TDS, but I have a lot more respect for him now.


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