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Alternate Custom Spam Reports


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Hey, everyone... I thought I'd see if anyone has some good report recipients for spam. I've got the list that someone posted on the newsgroup a LONG time ago. I've since added to it and thought I'd post what I have here and see if anyone else has some other good people to report certain spam to (things like pirate software offers, etc.)

Anyway, here's my list. As you can see it was initially compiled a LONG time ago! B)

Complaint Addressee List v1.00 as of 2000/04/11 19:36 GMT

postmaster[at]fdn.net - Insurance:





419.fcd[at]usss.treas.gov - Secret Service -- African Scam

uce[at]ftc.gov - FTC - standard spam

pyramid[at]ftc.gov - FTC - pyramid/ponzi schemes

health-claims[at]ftc.gov - FTC - health claims

webcomplaints[at]ora.fda.gov - FDA Prescription Drug spam

otcfraud[at]cder.fda.gov - FDA Over-The-Counter (non-prescription)


webmail[at]oc.fda.gov - FDA Prescription Drugs

cyberfraud[at]nasaa.org - N. Amer. Securities Admin. Assoc.

enforcement[at]sec.gov - SEC - Securities fraud

isfeedback[at]nasdaq.com - NASDAQ related stock fraud

ombuds[at]nasd.com - OTC stock fraud

consumer.complaint[at]ots.treas.gov - Banking stuff

net-abuse[at]nocs.insp.irs.gov - IRS - only USA-related tax evasion, not MMF

Fraud[at]uspis.gov - USPIS - US Postal Service fraud

fightback[at]oag.state.tx.us - Texas State AG

junkemail[at]atg.wa.gov - Washington State AG

compbureau[at]ic.gc.ca - Canadian Competition Bureau

piracy[at]microsoft.com - Microsoft Piracy (warez)

consumer.complaint[at]ots.treas.gov - Banking, etc fraud

nfic[at]internetmci.com - National Fraud Information Center

spamwatch[at]symantec.com - Symantec/Norton piracy

alctob[at]atfhq.atf.treas.gov - ATF tobacco/alcohol illegal activities

cybercrime[at]fbi.gov - FBI Computer Crimes?

CDREWARD[at]RIAA.ORG - RIAA Anti-Piracy Hotline


spoof[at]paypal.com - PayPal spam

spoof[at]ebay.com - eBay spam

AskVisaUSA[at]visa.com - Visa CC fraud

Originally compiled from local.spamcop on news.spamcop.net by jeff[at]spamcop.net

Corrections/additions/etc welcome... :-)

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First of all, I'm not seeing this list as a "How to use SpamCop" issue, so I'm moving to the Lounge (laments that it's the onlt other place available to us at present) ... At any rate, all this and some background supporting data has been incorporated onto a web site built / maintained by another SpamCop user on her dime, her work, her efforts ... try this spot;

spam reporting addresses: http://banspam.javawoman.com/report3.html

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Hi, mrmaxx!


...all this and some background supporting data has been incorporated onto a web site built / maintained by another SpamCop user on her dime, her work, her efforts ...  try this spot;

spam reporting addresses: http://banspam.javawoman.com/report3.html

...You seem to have some that this web site does not have. Please follow Marjolein's instructions for submission of additional e-mail spam reporting addresses.

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[snip]At any rate, all this and some background supporting data has been incorporated onto a web site built / maintained by another SpamCop user on her dime, her work, her efforts ...  try this spot;

spam reporting addresses: http://banspam.javawoman.com/report3.html

Hmm... Ok. My bad in posting it to SpamCop help group... I thought it was similar in nature to the (still existing) spamcop newgroup where anything regarding reporting was "on-topic" :D

In any event, that site you recommended is interesting, but it's not as helpful as a straight list of addresses... when I'm reporting and I want to send an additional "custom" report, I'm not going to want to pull up another web page and go through several tiers of pages to find the "ideal" recipient. That's why I like to have a quick-reference list like I posted. :-)

I think Marjolein's site is a great reference site, but not practical for quick-references. :) Just my 2 cents' worth. :-)

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I'm not going to want to pull up another web page and go through several tiers of pages to find the "ideal" recipient

All the information is located on the one page, there are simply links to the specific categories.

Anyway, I took the suggestion as one where you could take the information from that site to add to your personal list.

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