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White List - Filter Rules

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I subscribe to an academic e-mail list hosted at world.std.com messages to this list get trapped by SpamCop in my Held Mail list. What I want to do is apply a filter such that any messages sent to me where the to: address field is system-dynamics[at]world.std.com is passed to my Inbox. Can I/How do I do this? Messages sent to the address come from many different 'from' addresses (potentially any member of the list) At present the only way I've found is to white list each individual from address when I detect messages on the Held List. The danger is because I receive so much spam that I might inadvertently mis-report a proper message to the list as spam. Any help or advice much appreciated - Thanks.

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1. A filter will only work if/when you log into the webmail system so it may not be the best answer for you. I don't know if you are aware of this, but enough people have asked that question that I wanted to get it out of the way first.

2. To create a filter, Open webmail and click the Filter option then click the Edit your filter rules link.

*Note*: The stop processing checkmark means no further processing of any message and or filter will occur. That has also been the topic of many questions.

3. You should be able to whitelist most lists by adding the Return-Path: address of the list, where you would send your submissions to. It is supposed to check that field as well.

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From http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/306.html:

How do I whitelist yahoo groups?

Yahoo Groups mail should have a Return-Path header that looks like ...[at]returns.groups.yahoo.com

In order to pass all Yahoo Groups mail through to your inbox, add "returns.groups.yahoo.com" (without the quotes) to your whitelist.

If whitelisting the Return-Path of those academic e-mail list messages does not work for you, please post the headers from two of those messages you'd like to whitelist (so that we can help you determine which parts of the addresses are static and which parts are dynamic), along with the address that you attempted to whitelist.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - about 1-3% of spam messages I receive are getting through the SpamCop filters; instead of being trapped in Held Mail they end up in my In Box. Looking at the headers for these messages they have a common feature - they all include the first part of my main e-mail address in the From field [forged naturally]. For example assume my e-mail address was donald.duck[at]quack.com the header for the spam message would show something like:

From: donald.duck[] etc.

It's as if because the From: includes part of my e-mail address it evades the SpamCop filter. Is this a known problem or limitation of the SpamCop filters and/or is there something I should be doing by way of settings to avoid this problem? I've already been through and set up the various Mailhosts settings for the addresses and accounts I use.

With thanks in anticipation of your help.

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1. Try adjusting your spam filters by adding more blocklists or adjusting spamassasin setting lower, keeping in mind that more legitimate messages will be caught with more stringent settings.

2. If you want to know why a particular message made it through the blocklist, look at the X-spam-* and X-Spamcop-* headers which are added by spamcop at the bottom of the headers. If you don't understand them, post them here.

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Example Message 1 - Headers.

This one made it to my In Box ...

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade6

X-spam-Level: *



Not sure what this means

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Example Message 2 - this one made it to my In Box

Headers ...

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade1


X-spam-Status: hits=0.0 tests=none version=2.63


looks like this one has 'tests=none'. Does that mean it was able to evade any incoming SpamCop tests?

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Message 1:

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade6

X-spam-Level: *


Spamassasin assigned a 1.5 to this message. If your spamassasin setting were set to 1 (not recommended), it would have been caught.


I checked all of these hosts and at this time, none of them are on the bl. The last two (the source end) of them have "history" though and reporting may get them back on the list. You can check them yourself at: http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml

Message 2:

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade1


X-spam-Status: hits=0.0 tests=none version=2.63

I have never noticed the test=none. The only guess I could provide is that this was a spam with no body, so nothing to check.


Again, all of these hosts are currently not listed. In fact the source is not known to spamcop at all.

There was no reason for spamcop mail system to hold these messages as there have not been enough reports at the IP's and the body did not trip enough of the tests for them to be held.

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I've had other spam messages reaching my Inbox with the 'tests=none' header that do have a message body. Any ideas what might cause this? Should I post an example of such a message in the forum or report it in some special way?

Message 2:


X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade1


X-spam-Status: hits=0.0 tests=none version=2.63

I have never noticed the test=none. The only guess I could provide is that this was a spam with no body, so nothing to check.

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