Received today a couple of UCE/spam - identical content apart from the sender's name.
Typical content is,
My name is Tom Roberts and I am a website designer specialist.
I'm looking at your current website: and I'm wondering if you've thought about updating?
- Goes on to explain the services on offer. I do not want to update my site - especially as I'm assuming the next request will be to forward my site's FTP details to the "helpful" website designer specialist. My concern is that Spamcop did not blank my website address. It's the same domain as my email address, and Spamcop is usually good at recognising that string and x-ing it. I've reported the UCEs via Spamcop, but had to manually deselect sending reports to my website hosting company. I'd post a report id here, but won't because the message body includes the plain text domain name....
Should I expect Spamcop to anonymise my domain name if it appears in the body of the spammer's email?