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[Resolved] Emailing spamcop with spam, but not showing on spamcop


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I've been using spamcop to report spam for well over a year now. Worked pretty much flawlessly, up until last weekend.

Any email I report now via my submit email address never shows up as reported spam.

Looking at my past reports, the last successful report was on:

Submitted: 14 March 2009 10:38:11 +1100:

and nothing has been able to be reported since.

Anyone else having this problem?

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Any email I report now via my submit email address never shows up as reported spam.

Sorry you are having trouble. My submitted spam and returning email from SpamCop have been working fine this weekend.

Based on the information provided it seems that your ISP has changed their spam filtering this weekend. Unfortunately this is a problem that pops up every once in a while. In an effort to keep spam from being sent from their SMTP an ISP checks outgoing mail for spam. The email you submit to spamcop contains spam. Dah!

You will need to contact you ISP support and explain the problem to them. They can unblock spam reports to spamcop.net

Good luck. Be persistent. Let us know how it goes.

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Anyone else having this problem?

It has come up often enough that there are entries in the SpamCop FAQ as found here .. links at the top of the page. Have you attempted any of the troubleshooting steps suggested?

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Come back with more questions if you have a specific issue not covered/arising from those items if you need help with it.

Thanks for this. I run the ISP that reports the spam to spamcop and I didn't think my end was the problem but after reading the FAQ, I checked the spamcop reporting account and realised it ran over the disk space quota allocated to it.

After clearing some space on the account, the spamcop reporting worked again.

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...After clearing some space on the account, the spamcop reporting worked again.
Well, that's a new one :D thanks for the feedback, marking this resolved. Will move to the Reporting Help form shortly, to allow easier finding in future searches.
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