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...and NOW the outbound SC webmail IP is being blocked by AOL!


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After trying to send to several AOL addresses this morning, including my own, I've been receiving this error:

The following message to <[removed][at]aol.com> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554conb1.html'

If you go to the URL, you'll see that the 500-level "CON:B1" status translates to:

"The IP address has been blocked due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics."

Email_Support! You now need to make nice with the AOL Postmaster department (they have procedures, as I'm sure you're aware). Please do so ASAP, as I have more people with AOL addresses with whom I need to communicate than Hotmail/MSN addresses.

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After trying to send to several AOL addresses this morning, including my own, I've been receiving this error:

The following message to <[removed][at]aol.com> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554conb1.html'

If you go to the URL, you'll see that the 500-level "CON:B1" status translates to:

"The IP address has been blocked due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics."

Email_Support! You now need to make nice with the AOL Postmaster department (they have procedures, as I'm sure you're aware). Please do so ASAP, as I have more people with AOL addresses with whom I need to communicate than Hotmail/MSN addresses.

Beginning to look like a war is happening to force one onto a major email supplier

Would help to see the IP as it could be your computer blocked?

The worst spammer friendly seem Yahoo I don't see them blocked by HotMail that would be decent though. Wouldn't it.

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After trying to send to several AOL addresses this morning, including my own, I've been receiving this error:

The following message to <[removed][at]aol.com> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554conb1.html'

If you go to the URL, you'll see that the 500-level "CON:B1" status translates to:

"The IP address has been blocked due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics."

Email_Support! You now need to make nice with the AOL Postmaster department (they have procedures, as I'm sure you're aware). Please do so ASAP, as I have more people with AOL addresses with whom I need to communicate than Hotmail/MSN addresses.

I filled out the forms at AOL. Waiting for a response. Thanks for the info.

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Bad news! One (or more) of the SC outbound IPs is back on AOL's bad list, as this just happened again to me:

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554conb1.html'

IIRC, the "bad" IP in question with both Hotmail and AOL recently is (c60.cesmail.net), but today, everything I'm sending via SC webmail is going out instead through (c62.cesmail.net). This leaves me wondering if perhaps "email_support" only requested unblocking for the ".49" IP and not for ".54" as well? In any case, CESMail customers are again having problems sending to a major ISP, so this needs to be addressed ASAP.


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Good News (I think): I just sent test messages to my AOL address using *both* methods, SC webmail, and relaying from another device (my phone) through CESMail SMTP, and both made it through safely, so here's hoping that AOL will keep accepting our messages into the future. As you'll see in other topics, that's not the case with Hotmail at the moment.


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Hmmm...back to "Bad News" again, I'm afraid. After replying to an email using SC webmail, this just happened:

The following message to <[redacted][at]aol.com> was undeliverable.

The reason for the problem:

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1) http://postmaster.aol.com/Postmaster.Errors.php#554conb1

But then I sent a test to my own AOL address and it went through. I guess I'll try answering some more emails from AOL addresses.


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Looking more closely at the source of the delivery error notification I received from Spamcop's "c62.cesmail.net" server, it appears that the time settings are very off. I sent the original message at:

12:50:47 -0700

webmail.spamcop.net received it at:

12:50:47 -0700

But immediately above that line in the headers was:

Received: from unknown (HELO delta2) ([])

by c62.cesmail.net with ESMTP; 18 Sep 2012 16:21:39 -0400

which is over 30 minutes off. The bounce was supposedly sent back to me at:

16:21:42 -0400

but my VPS received it from Spamcop at:

15:50:52 -0400

The time on my computer and my server are correct, so the time on Spamcop's "c62.cesmail.net" is over 30 minutes in the future. Inaccurate settings like that on servers that transmit email can wind up tripping spam filtering tests (but I think they have to be further into the future than just 30 minutes).

I guess I'll open yet another ticket on this--"email_support" is going to get tired of hearing from me!


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Error 521 is not a bounce because of rejecting a server AFAIK? error 550 is?

Sorry...the forum system broke my quoted URL above, so I just now fixed it. I didn't post anything about a "550" error. The error is a 5.2.1, but on the page AOL sends us to, there's nothing listed as a "521 CON:B1" error, but there are two "CON:B1" errors in the CON Blocks section of the page, as follows:

554 CON:B1

The IP address has been blocked due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics.

421 CON:B1

The IP address has been tempfailed due to a spike in unfavorable e-mail statistics.

So, ours must be the 554 error, or they just haven't gotten down to writing an entry about the 521, or they just plain screwed up (I'm going with that one). Any 500-level error is permanent, which is all that really matters here.


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which is over 30 minutes off. The bounce was supposedly sent back to me at:

16:21:42 -0400

but my VPS received it from Spamcop at:

15:50:52 -0400

The time on my computer and my server are correct, so the time on Spamcop's "c62.cesmail.net" is over 30 minutes in the future. Inaccurate settings like that on servers that transmit email can wind up tripping spam filtering tests (but I think they have to be further into the future than just 30 minutes).

I guess I'll open yet another ticket on this--"email_support" is going to get tired of hearing from me!


Nope, CESmail is professional and any professional entity will welcome helpful feedback. If all users (of all systems) were as watchful, knowledgeable and diligent (and fearless) about such matters life would be much easier (and better). Keep it up David.
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Nope, CESmail is professional and any professional entity will welcome helpful feedback. If all users (of all systems) were as watchful, knowledgeable and diligent (and fearless) about such matters life would be much easier (and better). Keep it up David.

Yep keep it up David

Both Cessmail IP''s are VERY high volume servers

WebMail rated green


SMTP Amber


Red is blocked

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New day, new problem.

AOL seems to be bouncing us again.

5.1.0 - Unknown address error 521-'5.2.1 : (CON:B1)

I've gotten this from all 6 AOL addresses I've tried today.


I sent a "Problem" tkt to CESmail via webmail.

Yes, Gmail seems to be trapping mail via the CESmail outbound SMTP server today as well...


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Yes, Gmail seems to be trapping mail via the CESmail outbound SMTP server today as well...


Someone using Corporate Email Servers seems to of been harvesting a lot SpamTrap addresses

SpamCop email users are limited in CC and BCC so it seems to me, to be a non-SpamCop email user?

At least Gmail do offer whitelisting.

However the negative is they read (datamine) your email sent and received

Finding that Google can now show me a picture of my property my birthday all from reading my mail

I have my own fictional ID for signing up, False Name, false address, false birthdate, etc.

I have my "junk mail" go to Gmail travel, Supermarket, where I have given correct details Gmail I believe have read and identified me for a couple of years now at least..

I know anyone sending me Gmail using my false name is spam which I think they get off facebook twitter etc.

All facebook twitter I have as spam as it so far always is

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Yes, Gmail seems to be trapping mail via the CESmail outbound SMTP server today as well...

I'm checking...I had my phone connected to my WiFi, so I'll put it back on my data network first.

On edit: yes, a test I just sent to my own Gmail acct using CESMail smtp got routed to my Gmail spam folder. This just as bad, or even worse than not being able to send to AOL or Hotmail.


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I'm checking...I had my phone connected to my WiFi, so I'll put it back on my data network first.

On edit: yes, a test I just sent to my own Gmail acct using CESMail smtp got routed to my Gmail spam folder. This just as bad, or even worse than not being able to send to AOL or Hotmail.


No "if's but's or maybe's" Hotmail rejects SMTP outright now 3rd month going 4 and Hotmail is supposed to use senderscore

Final-Recipient: rfc822; XXXXXXXXXX99[at]hotmail.com

Action: failed

Status: 5.0.0 (permanent failure)

Remote-MTA: dns; []

Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"SC-001 (COL0-MC1-F47) Unfortunately, messages from weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list. You can also refer your provider to http://mail.live.com/mail/troubleshooting.aspx#errors." (delivery attempts: 0)

Reporting-MTA: dns; c60.cesmail.net

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