davisyoung Posted June 17, 2004 Share Posted June 17, 2004 If this gets asked alot and I missed it, I apologize. I'm timing out whenever I attempt to look at my held spam mail. Is there any way that I can: 1.) Delete it from the outside 2.) Reduce the number of days that spam mail is held Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, DavisYoung Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davisyoung Posted June 17, 2004 Author Share Posted June 17, 2004 Adding to the above post, I was able to get in after a few tries, but can only view and delete the 29,000 held messages at a rate of 100 at a time. Is there a way to view & delete maybe, 1,000 at a time? Thanks, Mike V akak DavisYoung Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenUnderwood Posted June 17, 2004 Share Posted June 17, 2004 I am assuming you have an email account so the Moderator(s) should move this to that forum. Are you accessing the held mail through the webmail application itself or through the separate Held Mail page at http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog ? The separate Held Mail page is limited to 100 messages. The webmail application is configurable, but may be leading to your timeout issues. To change it go to Options, Display Options, Messages per page in the mailbox view. Try working with it until you get a large enough group that does not timeout regularly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hank Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 I go to my Inbox here: http://webmail.spamcop.net/horde/imp/mailb...p?mailbox=INBOX Click on the Held Mail icon http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog/ This takes me to the page with the 100-item limit I try to use "Check All" -- java scri_pt:checkAll('checked'); that gives me a java scri_pt Error: "checkAll is not defined" When I try to View Source for the Held Mail page, I can't locate a definition for "checkAll" When I try to view the source file where the error occurs, I see a blank page with the java scri_pt Console. "'Check All" is done a different way in the Inbox: there is an unlabeled box immediately above the column of checkboxes next to each of the individual items of mail -- if I mistakenly click in that unlabeled box, all my mail is selected -- a risky tool there, where it's rare to want to delete ALL items. Its scri_pt is: Check All/None (Accesskey N) Would it be possible to provide the same function in the Held Mail page, where it could be useful? Or to make Check All work as a clickable text tool again? Also, would it be possible to make the Style dropdown choices actually do something? I need to fix this display badly. Held Mail has a new appearance, huge whitespace blank on the right I can't remove (Pray God This Won't Be Full Of Advertising!), huge column of buttons on the left I can't get rid of, narrow little central space where the Held Mail is squeezed in). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenUnderwood Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 "'Check All" is done a different way in the Inbox: there is an unlabeled box immediately above the column of checkboxes next to each of the individual items of mail -- if I mistakenly click in that unlabeled box, all my mail is selected -- a risky tool there, where it's rare to want to delete ALL items. You can access your held mail from within webmail by using the pull-down on the upper right side. Then the Select All checkmark is very useful. In fact it is tied with the equally useful link, Report as spam. Then you are not limited to the 100 messages per page but rather to whatever your Options are set to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 Hey, I'll admit it .... I'm totally lost at present. I've got an e-mail asking for JT to explain or at least step in ... I was thinking that the web-mail stuff was all done at his end, but perhaps I've been wrong for quite a while .. or maybe all/some of this "new look" stuff is being done by IronPort folks, though Julian's posts seem to indicate that he was doing it (at least the reporting pages) ...???? OK .. I'm not alone. It appears that these pages are also on Julian's side of the house. JT states that he wasn't advised of the "new look" efforts either. See a new post in the Lounge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenUnderwood Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 There is a Held Mail folder which is part of the webmail application. There is also, on the webmail page, a link to "Held Mail" which takes you to the VER page at http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog/ . This is the page that has been redesigned with the same template as the reporting page. This apparently is on Julians servers though the messages it points to are on JT servers. We need a map of this setup. And there are too many Held Mail references. And too many "Filter" references. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dbiel Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 If you have a broad band connection you may what to try using IMAP with an application like Outlook Express. It works great for me. Refer to the following for more information http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=152 The following is a summary of how I use SpamCop, Hope that it may be helpful I use a combination of IMAP and POP. I have my primary mail servers forward all mail to my spamcop account where most spam is filtered into the held mail area. The remain spam and good mail is sent to my spam cop inbox. I use POP3 to transfer the mail from my spam cop account to my local outlook express client where I do additional spam filtering to reduce the inbox clutter. I check the held mail using IMAP because I totally dislike the way either of the two spam cop interfaces work for viewing mail. I transfer any good mail I find in the held mail file to a temp folder in the IMAP account. I then delete all old mail (more than 12 hours old). I then move over the the spam cop interface and quick report the remaining new spam. I move back to the IMAP interface and move the mail from the temp folder back to the held mail area. Returing to the spam cop interface, I white list the mail I have just moved. This seems to work well for me and any mail that has been white listed has not reappeared in the held mail folder. If I have read your statement correctly, white listing should have no effect. And if this is true it is totally unacceptable to me as it means there is absolutly no way of fine tuning the held mail filtering with out using the spam cop interface as the primary interface which is unacceptable to me, but I am sure will work well for many other users. As far as reporting spam, after having cleared my held mail folder, I copy all new spam that has made its way into my inbox into the held mail folder via IMAP. I then return to the spam cop held mail interface and queue the mail for full reporting, then move to the reporting interface and process each email individually and scanning the full report before submitting it to avoid accidentally reporting items that should not be reported. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 Thanks dbiel ... though I'm not sure that we're all together in this Topic. Hank's post put it as current, I started reading and was working up a response to davisyoung, had a list of links, then noticed that his posts were a week old, and he'd not responded o StevenUnderwood's responses. Got to Hank's post and was not clear as to whether his post might have something to do with the "new look" issues .. and, as I've now got two e-mails out to JT asking him to take a look at the contents of this Topic, I don't want to do the "right" thing and split Hank's stuff out into it's own Topic .. at least until I can see that JT has caught up .... note that as of right now, I still am not sure on which page / which server Hank's java scri_pt issue is sitting on .. tho his later comments about "style" and "whitespace on the web page" apparently deal with the web-page data that has been modified on Julian's side of the house. And in this case, I've also got myself into a corner by stating here ( in Announcements) and in e-mails to the Deputies, JT, and Julian that I was moving all "new look" stuff to the Lounge .... but Hank's post (might) straddle different areas. Did I forget to mention that I'm a bit confused? <g> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hank Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 I'm vastly confused too. I went camping with the kids for a couple of weeks, came back and the world (at least Spamcop) had changed beyond my ability to reconfigure it. I understand the new setup involves using a maze of twisty little passages, all alike, but I'm not sure which way to proceed (wry grin here). Suggest not bothering to 'split out' my question -- since apparently so much splitting has already gone on that the board is now a pile of splinters -- but rather give us a map with clickable links. Login-to-webmail.......Inbox |_ |_> From here you can report using two different interfaces | _ Held Mail button (alt-M(?)) ............ http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld EXPLANATION: This is the whoozywhatsis interface, allows 100 items at a time, offers options to Delete, Forward w/o whitelist, Quick Report (please give a link or a complete list) in a pulldown menu, and is (is it?) configurable by choosing the link (go back to the Inbox/ Options/(whatever, link here) menu for width of columns, etc.(?) OR _Held Mail Folder........... (look in the pulldown Folders menu )........ http://webmail.spamcop.net/horde/imp/mailb...INBOX.Held+Mail EXPLANATION: This is the whatsisname interface, allows unlimited (?) items at a time; the little unlabeled box around upper left, as with your Inbox folder, selects ALL items; disposition of checked items uses links at top and bottom of page to Delete, Move, Report as spam. This (maybe??) is configurable at (where??) to get an "Are You Sure" prompt before reporting everything, which is too darned easy to do) META-EXPLANATION:.......... Many people have asked for a way to mark a vast number of items for reporting all at once, then review all the reports in summary form to make sure they're not reporting themselves. However, this is not an option because it would make it too easy to report everyone _except_ yourself, whether guilty or not. Your task is to sort out the true spam from the viruses (not reportable), the lists you forgot you joined, your old friends, etcetera, one item at a time. Make a map that improves on something like this -- a TEXT PAGE with LINKS please. Web pages with little tapdancing farting icons and columns and graphics just confuse us old typewriter-era readers. Eh? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted June 25, 2004 Share Posted June 25, 2004 Make a map that improves on something like this -- a TEXT PAGE with LINKS please. Web pages with little tapdancing farting icons and columns and graphics just confuse us old typewriter-era readers. Eh? Can I just point out that I'm laughing too hard at the moment to offer a good response? .. I promise to come back in a bit and try again <g> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hank Posted June 26, 2004 Share Posted June 26, 2004 >tapdancing, farting ... That's how the Tralfamadorians communicate, according to Kurt Vonnegut (grin). Further notes: The Help should point out that when you choose a folder from the dropdown, it -- opens immediately (the "open folder" button is either not needed or does something else?) and When you select some items from Held Mail to Report as spam, the Held Mail folder then seems to close itself and return you to your Inbox, whether or not you were done handling Held Mail. Today, I find I can report a bunch of files, sometimes see them struck out, Purge Deleted and have the Held Mail folder stick around empty, but other times it closes itself and goes to the Inbox. And, either I am getting the same spam content resent, or else the Held Mail folder is reloading the old spam an hour or so later -- not sure whether it's redundant copies from Spamcop or the spammers are just pouring it on, yet. But I haven't gotten messages saying that items were already reported (is that part of this interface, as it is for the other interface to Held Mail?) Nor does the pulldown menu approach to Held Mail respect the "Are You Sure" setting -- which I do get from the other (button) interface for Held Mail. tappity tappity tap .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenUnderwood Posted June 26, 2004 Share Posted June 26, 2004 the "open folder" button is either not needed or does something else At certain times when you are not in the message view area, the box you were in prior will be visible in the box already and the Open link will retrun you to that page. When you select some items from Held Mail to Report as spam, the Held Mail folder then seems to close itself and return you to your Inbox, whether or not you were done handling Held Mail. That appears to be an intermittant bug either with the webmail application or the spamcop implementation of that package. When it returns to the previous mailbox (it is not always the inbox, I have had it revert back to the personal Submitted Mail and the Sent Mail folders), in my experience, it has failed doing whatever it was doing. If you were reporting spam using the link, the messages are usually still in the webmail held mail folder and you may get an error message from spamcop for each message that was selected. Submitting them again, in my experience, usually works fine. And, either I am getting the same spam content resent, or else the Held Mail folder is reloading the old spam an hour or so later This is probably related to the above statement where nothing was done (or done correctly) so the messages are never deleted from the held mail box. or does the pulldown menu approach to Held Mail respect the "Are You Sure" setting -- which I do get from the other (button) interface for Held Mail. That is because you are using 2 different applications to do the same thing. The webmail application servers and the mail message servers are both on the east coast. The parsing, reporting, and Held Mail reporting pages (anything that recently experienced the new look) are located on the west coast. If you use Outlook and Eudora for email you would not expect Outlook to follow Eudora's configuration, would you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hank Posted June 27, 2004 Share Posted June 27, 2004 What I've been urging is exactly the sort of clarification you have provideded. I've been saying "interface" because it _appeared_ that we were looking at the same Held Mail via different user interfaces. I'm not actually using two applications -- I'm _remembering_ what happened using the "Held Mail" button, comparing it to what happens using the Pulldown Menu and choosing the "Held Mail" folder. Now that you've explained that these call on two different _applications_ that are both working off the Held Mail database file, scratch all the suggestions earlier for possible ways to explain what's offered. Rewrite: On the inbox page we now have: a "Held Mail" button that calls Application Foo, operating on your held mail on Machine FooOne. This shows and allows handling up to 100 items at a time. (Select All may work for some people; keyboard commands for advancing from one blank checkbox to the other would be nice/are ....) After the first items chosen are dealt with (at the top, choose the action from a pulldown menu, then the button below that to make it happen) the page will reload, showing a long list of item numbers where you had items that were dealt with; new items will be at the bottom if any remain. You are dealing with oldest items first; nothing older than 3 days is worth reporting. There is no "delete everything not worth reporting due to age" button because you have to review each item anyhow. an "Open Folder" button (that doesn't need to be used to open a folder, unless it works for some people; not doing anything with Firefox/OSX) a pulldown Folders menu that includes "Held Mail" in the list of available folders. choosing the "Held Mail" _folder_ opens Application Bar, operating on your Held Mail from Machine BarOne. This allows selecting an unlimited number of items to deal with. Once you do anything with any selected items, you're (sometimes returned to Inbox, sometimes shown a result and remain in Held Mail). BEWARE if you've acted on some of your Held Mail through the pulldown menu and are returned to your Inbox -- go back to the Folder pulldown. Do not click the Held Mail button! Contrariwise, if you've been using the Held Mail button, do not open your Held Mail folder from the pulldown Folders menu. Well, \ asking for explanations can't hurt me much -- knowledgeable responses like yours may push the system toward being more understandable. I rely on the advice from the old newsgroup days: "the way to get good information from the Internet is to post what you think is right, and await corrections." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevenUnderwood Posted June 27, 2004 Share Posted June 27, 2004 I rely on the advice from the old newsgroup days: "the way to get good information from the Internet is to post what you think is right, and await corrections." That's the way I like to work it as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hank Posted June 27, 2004 Share Posted June 27, 2004 So, I'll make a few more mistakes (grin) and hope someone in charge of writing the online Help will clarify. The above-described button and folder approaches to Held Mail are reached by logging in to http://webmail.spamcop.net. HOWEVER, there is yet another way to get at (or another tool for?) your Held Mail. You may log in via http://www.spamcop.net/ If so, you will see a fancy graphics-based page. This includes: -- a columnbuttons on the left side of the page -- > one for "Held Mail" This button will invoke (what? either of the two applications available from the Inbox page? or a third tool?) This "Held Mail" button is (help documentation people please decide) (is it?) the same as clicking "Held Mail" on the Inbox page OR choosing Held Mail folder from pulldown menu on the Inbox page OR This is a third application for cleaning up Held Mail. WHATEVER! In any event, more than one of these tools must not be used at the same time as either of the other two, because they all change the same database but not safely OR ... because they all change the same database but there is a long lag time updating what you see on your screen and it may appear you didn't delete or report what has already been deleted or reported. You (will? may? won't?) be prompted if you try to report a piece of spam twice, depending on which of the (two?) (three?) applications you are using. For an "Are You Sure?" prompt to help you, see Settings at (where?) and do they work? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Posing as a Non-technical Writer. Everyone needs a hobby.---- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nobody@spamcop.net Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 to mass delete the whole held email folder in just a few clicks - login to webmail at http://webmail.spamcop.net and go to the folders menu by clicking the folders icon at the top. Select Held Email checkbox and then empty folder(s) from the drop down menu. JT has said in the past that you can timeout loggin in to webmail if your held mail is too large. you could try doing the above even if it looks empty. failing that you will probably have to ask the deputies to clear it for you. Perhaps even the automatic cleanup of held mail is not working properly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wazoo Posted June 28, 2004 Share Posted June 28, 2004 have to ask the deputies to clear it for you The Deputies don't have this kind of access to JT's servers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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