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Not block certain people.


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I am not a customer of SpamCop but a client of mine is. My email is hosted on a shared machine and because of this if someone else sends out spam we get blocked for it. We use to be with a different hosting company that this happened with quite often and then we switched over to a new hosting company a year ago and have only had this happen once; this week. It started blocking monday and is still blocking.

My question is, is there a way for a customer of SpamCop to make certain addresses never get blocked by them?

(So the IP that is giving issues would still be blocked by all your other customers but this one person could have spamcop always let a certain email address always come in.)



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If it were possible to identify and whitelist email users who never sent spam, we wouldn't have a problem, would we?

Unfortunately, it seems that hosting companies will only take action against spammers when their other customers yell and scream about poor service.

Other people on the forum might recommend a hosting company to you that is competent and responsible about spam. It is also a good idea for a business to have a back up plan - an alternate email service to use or even fax and phone.

Miss Betsy

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My question is, is there a way for a customer of SpamCop to make certain addresses never get blocked by them? (So the IP that is giving issues would still be blocked by all your other customers but this one person could have spamcop always let a certain email address always come in.)


Sure, David. SpamCop Email customers (I assume that's what your client is) are able to "whitelist" specific addresses and/or domains in their options. That's how we make sure that mail from desired sources don't wind up being dumped into our "Held Mail" area.

David T.

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Sure, David. SpamCop Email customers (I assume that's what your client is) are able to "whitelist" specific addresses and/or domains in their options. That's how we make sure that mail from desired sources don't wind up being dumped into our "Held Mail" area.

David T.


Okay thanks David T. They weren't sure if they could. I'll have them look into that right away. Any hits .. or maybea link to how to configure that?

Thanks a bunch.

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Hi, David (dmschlot)!

Sure, David. SpamCop Email customers (I assume that's what your client is) are able to "whitelist" specific addresses and/or domains in their options. That's how we make sure that mail from desired sources don't wind up being dumped into our "Held Mail" area.

Okay thanks David T. They weren't sure if they could. I'll have them look into that right away. Any hits .. or maybea link to how to configure that?

Thanks a bunch.


...At the top of most screens in the SpamCop forums you will find a link labeled "Search" which can help answer questions like this. When I search for "whitelist" I find, among other (mostly less useful posts), Original SpamCop FAQ & Forum Items .


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My question is, is there a way for a customer of SpamCop to make certain addresses never get blocked by them?

The term "Customer of SpamCop" may be a bit misleading.

For actual SpamCop Email Service customers white listing is very easy and David has commented on that.

But the problem is that there are probably far more "Customers of SpamCop" that are not true customers. and for them the answer is not as easy.

These are customers of other ISP / Mail services that make use of the SpamCop blocking list as well as may other availble lists. Most providers provide a way to White list specific senders, but the method varries greatly between providers. Your client would have to contact their provider to find out how to do it.

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