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Signing up for SpamCop account

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I was signing up for a SpamCop account any my browser died after I entered my user name, name, password etc but before I completed the payment step.

I need a specific account name (in a weird format) to use with my work email.

After my failed setup the user name I need is now taken (it was availble before).

Will this name become available again (since there is no payment for it) after a period of time or do I need to get someone at SpamCop to remove the bogus account?


Christian Ashlock


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I was signing up for a SpamCop account any my browser died after I entered my user name, name, password etc but before I completed the payment step.

You might want to clarify whether you were signing up for a free reporting account, paid-for reporting account or flat-rate Email account.

That might help someone more knowledgeable to assist more quickly.


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Wazoo, thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

Yeah, its looks like this should be moved to another topic.

The SpamCop help page links to this as "General Help" and the Email one as for people with accounts. The set up topic isn't even liked from there. It could be a little more clear.

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Wazoo, thanks for the help.  I appreciate it.

Well, based on some other folks' remarks and complaints, you may not be out of the woods yet <g>

Yeah, its looks like this should be moved to another topic.

The SpamCop help page links to this as "General Help" and the Email one as for people with accounts.  The set up topic isn't even liked from there.  It could be a little more clear.

I have repeatedly asked that all those pointers be changed. As it turns out, some of the folks that get "here" via those links don't "know" that the other Forums exist. Usually this is made known when they come back and find the "Moved" icon by their Topic (yet, even that hasn't been noticed by some, noting that clicking on that Topic title will "move" you to where ever that Topic moved to)

Things might be a bit clearer if one was "dropped" in at the top of the Forum structure rather then into a specific Forum .... and of course, the request for a reconfiguration / expansion of these forums would make a difference also ...

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  • 5 weeks later...

I was in the process of signing up for multiple email accounts, and when I went to pay for it, I ran into problems on the PayPal site.

It took some effort to get around those problems, and by the time I got PayPal fixed, I had to try again with the signup. The problem now is that the two account names I had selected are listed as taken because of my failed attempt to sign up.

Is there any way to "reset" these account names so I can use them?

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There is no way for you to "reset" anything ... However, check the FAQ here, or simply hit the "sign-up" pages again .. these are contact points listed to contact the only individual that can "touch" this kind of data.

NOTE: merged Boyd's posting into an existing Topic that dealt with the same "problem"

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