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Web Authentication

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JT, please follow (or ask the developers to follow) the recommendations under "Workarounds for application and Web site developers" on http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;834489 to allow better authentication for Webmail and these Forums.  Thanks!

Neither the forums nor webmail use HTTP authentication. The URL you sent is pointless in this environment.


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Neither the forums nor webmail use HTTP authentication.

Could they? It would be helpful in my environment. Thanks!


If you don't want to type your username and password, use a browser that supplies that information for you automatically.


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  • 6 months later...

If you had read the thread you replied to, the answer was just above your post.


If you don't want to type your username and password, use a browser that supplies that information for you automatically.


The webmail software is a package (Hoard IMP). If they update the software with a "remember me" function, it will be implemented.

Personally, anyone who uses a saved password for a web based email system must not receive anything to useful at that address.

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If you had read the thread you replied to, the answer was just above your post.

I didn't post under this topic originally. My post was moved here. Nice attitude also.

This post doesn't address my request either. I didn't ask for recommendations on a browser that would remember my id/password. I asked if the webmail application could add a remember me function. It's ironic that the message board that I need to post my question to has this feature, but not the webapp.

If the answer is simply "No, we're not doing that", then just simply state that so I can keep that in mind when it's time to renew my account.

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This post doesn't address my request either.  I didn't ask for recommendations on a browser that would remember my id/password.  I asked if the webmail application could add a remember me function.


...But that is currently the best way for your information to be "remembered," because SpamCop webmail does not have that capability. I don't understand your complaining about receiving an answer that was actually more than you requested! :) <g>


If the answer is simply "No, we're not doing that", then just simply state that so I can keep that in mind when it's time to renew my account.


..."We" don't do anything to the SpamCop applications -- "we" are simply users like yourself who are trying to help other users like yourself.
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If you had read the thread you replied to, the answer was just above your post.

Ouch! ... aim that one at me, please. I saw fperkins' post, it rang bells, I found (one of) the earlier Topics that addressed the issue, merged this post into that old Topic, PM'd fpekins to advie of the Merge, started looking for (I'm thinking three or four) other Topics on the same subject intending to merge them all into one .. and as usual, came across something else that "would just take a few to finish" .. and ... My fault for not dropping a note to reflect that the originl poster had not actually seen the ancient original Topic due to it being outside the default 30-day look-back .... noting that appearances suggest the serch function wasn't used, but I will state once again that I find that I have to fight with it to find some things that I know exist <g>

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