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Stubborn whitelist problem

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Whenever one of my friends emails me, despite having whitelisted her repeatedly, the email always ends up in my held mail waiting either to be reported or released.

Why? It's a webtv.net addy if that helps.

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The header should include the SpamCop checked line ... the last IP is where the checking stopped ... That should offer up some clue as to what caused the "moved to Held" action to be taken. I know that's not actually answering why the whitelisting isn't over-riding that process, but I've got to start somewhere <g>

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Whenever one of my friends emails me, despite having whitelisted her repeatedly, the email always ends up in my held mail waiting either to be reported or released.

It sounds as if you're a SpamCop Email customer, so first, you need to go into the SpamCop webmail options and view your whitelist to see what addresses are actually listed.

Second, you need to view the raw source of one of those messages and look for the "X-spam" and the "X-SpamCop" lines. When an address (or domain) is truly whitelisted, the mail will obviously not go into your Held Mail, and will arrive with a "X-SpamCop-Whitelisted" line at the end of the headers.


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It sounds as if you're a SpamCop Email customer, so first, you need to go into the SpamCop webmail options and view your whitelist to see what addresses are actually listed.

Second, you need to view the raw source of one of those messages and look for the "X-spam" and the "X-SpamCop" lines. When an address (or domain) is truly whitelisted, the mail will obviously not go into your Held Mail, and will arrive with a "X-SpamCop-Whitelisted" line at the end of the headers.



Thanks. I realised after I posted I should have put it in the SC Email group, I'll get around to that, eventually.

I'd check the header lines, if only the darn email would arrive in my inbox here, it seems to have disappeared into oblivion.

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I removed her from the whitelist, exited and reentered it and now it's working OK. The problem was, I think, that the email addy was entered in the format name[at]xxx.net(NAME).


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