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How can I view HTML emails?

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On occasion, I receive HTML emails that don't have the "Part(s):" line underneath the Subject line that you can click on to display the email content properly in another window that pops up.

So, for example, I have the following email (which is important) that starts off:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


<body bgcolor="FFFFFF" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0>

<form name="calSearchForm" action="http://www.active.com/search/" method="post">

<table width="646" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


                <td valign="top"><img src="http://www.active.com/images/confirmation/redesign/confirmation_email_logo.gif" width=187 height=43 border=0 alt=""></td>

                <td valign="top">

Is there an option, that have obviouly missed, for viewing emails in HTML form?


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There are some old discussion threads about this...here's one:


Although that thread doesn't show as being resolved, it was indeed answered by JT here:


I'm going to guess that the messages you're not able to view probably have a Content-Type in the headers like this:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative

but that the messages only contain a single "part" in the body, labled like this:

Content-Type: text/html;

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

They therefore aren't really "multipart" because I think that "multipart" implies more than one part. If they had an accompanying "text/plain" part, you'd be able to view that.

Maybe someone could research that concept a bit, to see if a message declared as "multipart" absolutely must contain both HTML and plain parts.


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I suppose this is irrelevent really as I only use SC mail as a spam filtering device, but, that said, how can I view emails (in trash folder for instance) in regular format, as against broken down into html scri_pt. I've fiddled with just about every setting I can imagine and have failed miserably. I get headers and no body, or just a whole schmiel of gibberish.

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You are not dumb for asking this question as it has been asked several times. Basically, spamcop email service does not allow you to easily view html messages. This is done to protect you against the many web bugs and similiar things embedded in many spam messages.

If the message is properly formatted per the RFCs you will see:

Alternative parts for this section:

  unnamed  [text/html] 

that you can click on to see the html version.

The problem is many spam messages are misconfigured. For instance, if they say they have multiple types (Content-Type: multipart/alternative;) in the headers but the body only contains the html portion (Content-Type: text/html;) spamcop correctly states "There are no parts that can be displayed inline." but incorrectly does not show the link to the html portion of the message. If the message is defined as html only (Content-Type: text/html;) in the headers, the link is provided along with the message.

If you view the message source, you could cut/paste the <html>...</html> portion into a local file, you should be able to view the html as designed, but those web bugs will be active.

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You are not dumb for asking this question as it has been asked several times.  Basically, spamcop email service does not allow you to easily view html messages.  This is done to protect you against the many web bugs and similiar things embedded in many spam messages.

If the message is properly formatted per the RFCs you will see:

that you can click on to see the html version.

The problem is many spam messages are misconfigured. For instance, if they say they have multiple types (Content-Type: multipart/alternative;) in the headers but the body only contains the html portion (Content-Type: text/html;) spamcop correctly states "There are no parts that can be displayed inline." but incorrectly does not show the link to the html portion of the message.  If the message is defined as html only (Content-Type: text/html;) in the headers, the link is provided along with the message.

If you view the message source, you could cut/paste the <html>...</html> portion into a local file, you should be able to view the html as designed, but those web bugs will be active.


Thanks, I understand...I think! B)

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