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Spam Size


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Is it me, or is anyone else getting really irritated with not only recieving spam, but with recieving spam that is upwatds of 290kb per message!!! :o


The spam in my Held Mail folder usually runs from about 1.5K to 20K...once in a while, one will go over the 50K SC parser limit, but it's very rare. Perhaps you could post a Tracking URL on one of those?



Does it help if I describe your 290k spew as;

A couple of lines of text, a URL, and a graphic? Actual spam is a three section HTML job, a plain text advertising rexr section, the URL being a Base-64 encoded java scri_pt routine to stich together the URL for display, and then the included graphic. Sources seem to be the never-ending pool of compromised end-user systems, either cable or DSL connections. I must say, apparently no discrimination involved either, IPs are from all around the world. That there were 6 of these in one account a few days ago from ComCast IP blocks that lead to another post elsewhere that only the first (manual*) complaint made it through, the remainder getting a bounced/rejected message due to the "abuse" InBox being "full" was probably just a coincidence <g>

No, I'd have to say you were just special in receiving spam like these <g>

* Manual because the SpamCop parser doesn't do the java scri_pt decoding, as a free reporter, I can't add complaint targets, and have noted that some of the complaint targets are those self-same idiotic ISPs that "refuse" SpamCop reports .....


Thanks for this info....it is useful. :)

No, I'd have to say you were just special in receiving spam like these <g>

I am special :D

I do appreciate the info.  I just find it hard to think that these huge spams are going about....the wasted bandwidth!!


Recently I have been getting spams that have base64 encoded attachments with the Spamvertized website URL scripted in such a fashion that SpamCop is NOT able to parse it. I have added an decoded example.


<scri_pt LANGUAGE="java scri_pt"><!--

var a= "http://"

var b= "www."

var c= "ext"

var d= "reme"

var e= "di"

var f= "etnet."

var g= "com"

var h= a+b+c+d+e+f+g

function redirect () { setTimeout("go_now()",1000); }

function go_now () { window.location.href = h; }



<BODY onLoad="redirect()">

<H1>Please stand by.. Loading Your Herbal PenisEnlarge Website</H1>




How is it best to report this type of spam so the URL gets reported?

hotmail.com,Apr 12 2005, 04:00 PM]Recently I have been getting spams that have base64 encoded attachments with the Spamvertized website URL scripted in such a fashion that SpamCop is NOT able to parse it. I have added an decoded example.

How is it best to report this type of spam so the URL gets reported?


Since spamcop will not touch java scri_pt, the best way would be to manually LART it. Spamcop comes up with:

Reporting addresses:



Since spamcop will not touch java scri_pt, the best way would be to manually LART it.  Spamcop comes up with:

Reporting addresses:




Thanks Steven. It is a pain to have to decode this spew in order to report it. Sure wish SpamCop could just take care of it.

I usually report my spam through the web interface where you just paste the whole spam message into a box. Is it kosher to decode these java scripted URL's and add them to the rest of the spam message?

thanks, George


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