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1.5bn Spam reports


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Having just submited some spam for processing I see that I've just submitted report number 1492049380.

So we're fast approaching the day when 1.5bn reports will have been handled by SpamCop. Of course that's not 1.5bn unique items of spam since most UCE mail items generate more than one report.

Even so, I was wondering when it was that 1bn reports was hit. My recollection is that it wasn't so long ago. And I then wondered how long it took to reach the first 1bn compared to the next half-billion reports.

It's the kind of data that makes great news copy for the technology press B)


Edit: A subsequent search revealed the first 1bn was reached in May 2004. So when did the clock start? ags

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So when did the clock start?


Probably in late 1998 (when SpamCop was still being run from Julian's domain, before SpamCop.Net was registered).
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While looking for a 'good' answer, the question got removed.

WHOIS shows a 1999 date for spamcop.net start, but ....

Julian was running everything on his own system(s) before going public, so I'd say the earliest date would have been sometime in 1998.

See JeffG beat me to the post ... Had mine started, then got into a search for door window switches for an old Chevy, dog wanted out, another phone call from a user that had managed to unplug her mouse (thus saving the cost of a new mouse <g>) ... got back here, started closing down windows and saw that I'd not yet "submitted" this post ... only then do I get to see JeffG's post . oh well .. we agree, that's the important thing!

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So the first billion reports took arojnd 6 years and the next half-billion around 15 months... :o

Of course you can prove anything with statistics. There are probably more people submitting reports now than in 1998, it is possible that spam now includes more spamvertised URLs which, of course, generate reports. Undoubtedly the parsing process has become more effective over the seven years as well.

Even so, I suspect it shows that the spam problem isn't going away!


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  • 2 weeks later...
we're fast approaching the day when 1.5bn reports will have been handled by SpamCop


That day was yesterday. Specifically, Thursday, September 01, 2005 14:41:08 -0400. Please feel free to take this opportunity to start your holiday weekend a little early. :)
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