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It's not a big deal, but is the upload-avatar feature enabled?  I tried to upload an avatar, and got a message that my avatar settings were updated, but the file didn't show up here.

I really don't like avatars. In BOFH mode, I turned them off for the forums (but apparently not for uploading).

I see that there's an option where I can shut off avatars while I'm viewing the forums, which means you guys could have them and I'd never have to see them. I'm reluctant to do that, frankly. I don't want to get in the position of "censoring" the boards, but I'd like to maintain some level of decorum here because I expect we'll have a lot of guests and people looking for help. I just really don't like the pictures of cats, anime babes, and cars that seem to populate most boards.

JeffG, this might be worth a poll, but the response would need to be widespread and overwhelmingly in favor of them for me to change my mind. It might be possible to turn them on just for this board.


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I used to think avatars were silly, but I've found they serve a couple of useful purposes.

1) They make the forum a little more "fun", which encourages activity.

2) They make it easier to identify the poster of a message. Unique avatars stand out more than text names.

But I understand that on a board like this one, there are likely to be a wide variety of users, some of whom would abuse the privilege.

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I really don't like avatars. In BOFH mode, I turned them off for the forums (but apparently not for uploading).

aaah that would explain why it doesn't work ... second thing I tried after posting a message :(

They do build a sense of community, giving you something to remember people by.

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