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[Resolved] Avoiding duplicate mailings


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I got the mail below, when the spam reporting options came up, the system indicated it was ready to send mail to both the administrators of www.EXperIenCELIfe.InFO and of EXperIenCELIfe.InFO, which was the same set of email addreses. I unchecked the boxes for the second set to avoid duplicate mailings, but was surprised they were there to begin with.

Is this a bug or desired behavior?

Return-Path: <fdtdzisyaZachary[at]aeolusmusic.com>

Received: from ([]) by sharethebeat.servermatrix.com

(8.12.11/8.12.11) with SMTP id j8K1r5JS032153 for <paul[at]preinheimer.com>;

Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:53:14 -0500

Received: from pestilent7telfreak (9A.C0.4A5.61) by

mailB389.fdtdzisyaZachary[at]aeolusmusic.com (Bluewin AG F.2.8EE) id

E616EO6WFCE87FXS9DDD7 for paul[at]preinheimer.com; Tue, 20 Sep 2005 02:04:08


Message-Id: <60CC2B961D91BE.57304[at]fdtdzisyaZachary[at]aeolusmusic.com>

Reply-To: "sliver Gaston" <fdtdzisyaZachary[at]aeolusmusic.com>

From: "sliver Gaston" <fdtdzisyaZachary[at]aeolusmusic.com>

To: "Paul" <paul[at]preinheimer.com>

Subject: No Exam MBA MS MA BS PHD

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:00:08 -0300

X-Identity-Key: acre

Mime-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--563FD9BA23AB1B882"

X-Uidl: eRf!!o^[at]!!?2G!!PWh"!

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) (SAProxy Pro 2.6) on  stb

X-spam-Level: ***

X-spam-Status: No, hits=3.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_60,MIME_QP_DEFICIENT

autolearn=no version=2.63


Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Are you going to let some guy with a di%ploma% take the promotion you dese=

rve? Not if we can help it


to make your email address vanish follow this link : www.EXPerienceLife.in=


When love is not madness, it is not love.=20


Re: http://experiencelife.info (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)

To: abuse[at]chinanet.cn.net (Notes)

To: abuse[at]cnc-noc.net (Notes)

To: postmaster#cnc-noc.net[at]devnull.spamcop.net (Notes)

Re: http://www.experiencelife.info (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)

To: abuse[at]chinanet.cn.net (Notes)

To: abuse[at]cnc-noc.net (Notes)

To: postmaster#cnc-noc.net[at]devnull.spamcop.net (Notes)

Admins: If it's bad form or just a bad idea to post full headers please feel free to trim.

I got the mail below, when the spam reporting options came up, the system indicated it was ready to send mail to both the administrators of www.EXperIenCELIfe.InFO and of EXperIenCELIfe.InFO, which was the same set of email addreses. I unchecked the boxes for the second set to avoid duplicate mailings, but was surprised they were there to begin with.

In general, those outgoing reports would be combined into a single report.

Admins: If it's bad form or just a bad idea to post full headers please feel free to trim.


You actually appear to have posted the entire spam, much more than just the full headers. Yes, frowned upon for the most part ... the Tracking URL is the normal / preferred method of referencing your spam.

In general, those outgoing reports would be combined into a single report.


So, had I not unchecked the boxes, only a single spam report would have been sent?


...By the way, thanks for caring enough to raise this as a potential problem. In this case, though, you can be pretty confident that what you fear won't happen -- go ahead and let 'em rip! :) <g>


If you want to know for sure, click on "Preview Reports" instead of "Send spam Report(s) Now"


AIUI, each recipient email address only gets one Report per Reported Message, no matter how many issues related to that Reported Message are Reported.

Of course, if multiple recipient email addresses are redirected by the recipient ISP to the same account, that's the recipient ISP's fault, and there's nothing SpamCop can do about it.


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