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I just reported my Quick Report report Duh!


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While I was checking my SpamCop email inbox and reporting spam, I inadvertently reported Qick report data report.  What's my next move?


Before you get hammered (maybe too late already) .... hit one of the many links provided for the SpamCop FAQ here ... look for the How can I unsend a Report? link.

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Wazoo, thanks for the direction; I knew I'd read it somewhere but couldn't remember where, or what title to look for. I really get confused finding my way around the various forums at times.

Jeff, I have sent a grovel off to the addy you suggested, thanx.

I have created a mailbox in my SpamCop email for keeping report data copies. While moving the cursor from selecting the message (so it didn't get included with the spam I was reporting) on the way to the 'move to' box, I got a twitch in my trigger finger, right over the "report as spam" button. And it was too late.

I need an emoticon with a red face.

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It goes to show how easily it can happen.

For others reading this topic, it is also a lesson in why it is important to review the work of the parser before reporting or in this case with quick reporting (the need to check the results of what quick reporting did in order to do damage control in case of an error.

It also points out the dangers of quick reporting, no second chance to confirm that you really want to send this particual report (once clicked, its on its way with no easy way to undo it).

Thanks spaceman for being proactive in dealing with the problem.

Hope you don't mind me using you as an example for others.

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I have created a mailbox in my SpamCop email for keeping report data copies.  While moving the cursor from selecting the message (so it didn't get included with the spam I was reporting) on the way to the 'move to' box, I got a twitch in my trigger finger, right over the "report as spam" button.  And it was too late.


You didn't get a dialog box that read "Are you sure you wish to report this message as spam?" and contained two Buttons "OK" and "Cancel"? It's right there in the java scri_pt code:
    if (actID == 'spam_report') {
	if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you wish to report this message as spam?')) {

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Thinking back now, yes I did get the last chance warning or, at least, I must have. I guess it was mindless reflex; clicking on that button when it appears in the dialog box is an almost automatic thing so that I obviously didn't stop to think about it. Sorta like closing your car door just as you notice your keys in the ignition. This forum showed me where to find a coathanger.

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