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[Resolved] Enforcement[at]sec refuses spamcop reports


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Interesting, I get a lot of stock spam lately but only report to UCE ...and bluefrog.com (which forwards it to the appropriate agencies)... So why has enforcement lost interest in these reports, seems rather odd...

ps. we spend so much time to give some grief to the pondscum spammers only to find that even agencies that should enforce the broken laws set new road blocks...frustrating, really!

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IIRC, the enforcement agencies won't do anything unless you have lost money.


...But they are actively soliciting complaints to the "enforcement" e-mail address:

If you believe that you have been the victim of a securities-related fraud, through the Internet or otherwise, or if you believe that any person or entity may have violated or is currently violating the federal securities laws, you can submit a complaint using our online complaint form or email us at enforcement[at]sec.gov [emphasis mine].

...BTW, I used it several times earlier today without problem ... looks like it just started happening this afternoon (EST, UTC -5:00).
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Based on the line enforcement[at]sec bounces (7 sent : 6 bounces) .... I'm going to "suggest" that they are having issues with their e-mail server at present, the "error message" about "refusing" simply being the generic message for the currently bouncing situation. The catch will come down to how long to give them before the Reporting database needs a 'touch' to try resending reports in that direction. Have you tried sending your own 'manual' report to see it bounces also?

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enforcement[at]sec bounces (7 sent : 6 bounces)

Enforcement[at]sec refuses spamcop reports


Have you tried using "enforcement[at]sec.gov" instead? When I last did that, I got the following reply:
Return-Path: &lt;spamcop[at]devnull.spamcop.net&gt;
Delivered-To: spamcop-net-x[at]spamcop.net
Received: (qmail 8664 invoked from network); 7 Dec 2005 14:56:35 -0000
X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.0 (2005-09-13) on blade1
X-spam-Status: hits=-98.4 tests=DEAR_SOMETHING,HTML_MESSAGE,
	USER_IN_WHITELIST_TO version=3.1.0
Received: from unknown (
  by blade1.cesmail.net with QMQP; 7 Dec 2005 14:56:35 -0000
Received: from vmx1.spamcop.net (
  by mx53.cesmail.net with SMTP; 7 Dec 2005 14:56:35 -0000
Received: from sc-app4.ironport.com (HELO spamcop.net) (
  by vmx1.spamcop.net with SMTP; 07 Dec 2005 06:29:35 -0800
X-SpamCop-Reply-Ids: 1577462348
X-Spamcop-Return-Path: &lt;enforcement[at]sec.gov&gt;
Received: from vmx2.spamcop.net (vmx2.spamcop.net [])
	by sc-app4.soma.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id C58835125
	for &lt;1577462348[at]reports.spamcop.net&gt;; Wed,  7 Dec 2005 06:27:24 -0800 (PST)
Received: from secfw22.sec.gov (
  by vmx2.spamcop.net with ESMTP; 07 Dec 2005 06:19:58 -0800
Received: from HQ-SEC-SMTP.AD.SEC.GOV (adc-ad-smtp.sec.gov [])
	by secfw22.sec.gov (SEC SMTP Gateway) with ESMTP id EC082A792E9
	for &lt;1577462348[at]reports.spamcop.net&gt;; Wed,  7 Dec 2005 09:19:19 -0500 (EST)
Received: by hq-sec-smtp.ad.sec.gov with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
	id &lt;WX2HVB9J&gt;; Wed, 7 Dec 2005 09:19:20 -0500
Message-ID: &lt;8B2D4CB6864729408EA67702CDCED2E0E5AB26[at]MDC-EXCH-C2.AD.SEC.GOV&gt;
From: ENFORCEMENT &lt;enforcement[at]sec.gov&gt;
To: "'1577462348[at]reports.spamcop.net'" &lt;1577462348[at]reports.spamcop.net&gt;
Subject: SEC Division of Enforcement Confirmation Reply
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 09:18:45 -0500 
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
X-SpamCop-Whitelisted: x
X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 7.1.371 [267.13.12/193]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=======AVGMAIL-4396F8433761======="

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C5FB39.21F0D6B4"

Content-Type: text/plain

Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your recent e-mail to the group electronic mailbox of the
Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission in Washington, D.C. We appreciate your taking the time to write
to us. This automated response confirms that the Division of Enforcement has
received your e-mail. You can rest assured that an attorney in the Office of
Internet Enforcement will review your e-mail promptly.
We are always interested in hearing from members of the public, and you may
be assured that the matter you have raised is being given careful
consideration in view of the Commission's overall enforcement
responsibilities under the federal securities laws. It is, however, the
Commission's policy to conduct its inquiries on a confidential basis -- so
this may be the only response that you receive. If your complaint is more in
the nature of a consumer complaint (such as a dispute with your broker or a
problem with your brokerage or retirement account), you should contact our
Office of Investor Education and Assistance -- they may be able to help you.
You may reach the Office of Investor Education and Assistance via telephone
at (202) 551-6551or through the Web at HYPERLINK
The Commission conducts its investigations on a confidential basis to
preserve the integrity of its investigative process as well as to protect
persons against whom unfounded charges may be made or against whom the
Commission determines that enforcement action is not necessary or
appropriate. Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, we
cannot disclose to you any information which we may gather and we cannot
confirm to you the existence or non-existence of an investigation, unless
made a matter of public record in proceedings brought before the Commission
or in the courts.
If you are unsure where you should direct your inquiry or you want to learn
more about how the SEC handles inquiries and complaints, please visit the
SEC Complaint Center at HYPERLINK
Should you have any additional information or questions pertaining to this
matter, please feel free to communicate directly with us at HYPERLINK
We appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and its Division
of Enforcement. 
Very truly yours, 
John Reed Stark 
Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement 
United States Securities &amp; Exchange Commission

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

&lt;META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
&lt;META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
&lt;TITLE&gt;SEC Division of Enforcement Confirmation Reply&lt;/TITLE&gt;

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;Dear Sir or Madam:&lt;/FONT&gt;
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;Thank you for your recent e-mail to =
the group electronic mailbox of the Division of Enforcement at the =
United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. We =
appreciate your taking the time to write to us. This automated response =
confirms that the Division of Enforcement has received your e-mail. You =
can rest assured that an attorney in the Office of Internet Enforcement =
will review your e-mail promptly.&lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/P&gt;

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;We are always interested in hearing =
from members of the public, and you may be assured that the matter you =
have raised is being given careful consideration in view of the =
Commission's overall enforcement responsibilities under the federal =
securities laws. It is, however, the Commission's policy to conduct its =
inquiries on a confidential basis -- so this may be the only response =
that you receive. If your complaint is more in the nature of a consumer =
complaint (such as a dispute with your broker or a problem with your =
brokerage or retirement account), you should contact our Office of =
Investor Education and Assistance -- they may be able to help you. You =
may reach the Office of Investor Education and Assistance via telephone =
at (202) 551-6551or through the Web at HYPERLINK "&lt;A =
HREF=3D"http://www.sec.gov/complaint.shtml" =
v/complaint.shtml.  &lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/P&gt;

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;The Commission conducts its =
investigations on a confidential basis to preserve the integrity of its =
investigative process as well as to protect persons against whom =
unfounded charges may be made or against whom the Commission determines =
that enforcement action is not necessary or appropriate. Subject to the =
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, we cannot disclose to you =
any information which we may gather and we cannot confirm to you the =
existence or non-existence of an investigation, unless made a matter of =
public record in proceedings brought before the Commission or in the =

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;If you are unsure where you should =
direct your inquiry or you want to learn more about how the SEC handles =
inquiries and complaints, please visit the SEC Complaint Center at =
HYPERLINK "&lt;A HREF=3D"http://www.sec.gov/complaint.shtml" =
v/complaint.shtml. &lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/P&gt;

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;Should you have any additional =
information or questions pertaining to this matter, please feel free to =
communicate directly with us at HYPERLINK "&lt;A =
enforcement[at]sec.gov. &lt;/FONT&gt;&lt;/P&gt;

&lt;P&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;We appreciate your interest in the =
work of the Commission and its Division of Enforcement. &lt;/FONT&gt;
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;Very truly yours, &lt;/FONT&gt;
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;S/ &lt;/FONT&gt;
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;John Reed Stark &lt;/FONT&gt;
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement =
&lt;BR&gt;&lt;FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial"&gt;United States Securities &amp; =
Exchange Commission&lt;/FONT&gt;

Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg=cert; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Description: "AVG certification"

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.13.12/193 - Release Date: 12/6/2005


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Have you tried using "enforcement[at]sec.gov" instead?


...Blush! I'll try that next time I get a pump 'n dump spam to report....

...Foiled by the User Defined Recipient Report default problem. Because that bug is still there, I keep changing my list of user-defined recipients to include or exclude several others besides FTC and SEC. When I go back to only FTC and SEC, I just delete the other stuff -- the last time I did that, I accidentally deleted the ".gov" in "sec.gov." :(

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...Blush! I'll try that next time I get a pump 'n dump spam to report....

...Foiled by the User Defined Recipient Report default problem. Because that bug is still there, I keep changing my list of user-defined recipients to include or exclude several others besides FTC and SEC. When I go back to only FTC and SEC, I just delete the other stuff -- the last time I did that, I accidentally deleted the ".gov" in "sec.gov." :(


And probably send 7 reports with it set that way ;)

enforcement[at]sec bounces (7 sent : 6 bounces)

Enforcement[at]sec refuses spamcop reports

I actually noticed the was no tld and for some reason did not think to ask the question. Other things on my mind, I guess.

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