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If have great problems with my Spamcop Webmail for the last weeks. I can't do nothing with my mail in the Held folder, or trash folder. Every time I try to delete or whitelist or release them, Webmail jumps to the inbox folder.

Have anyone the same problem or a solution???

Thanks, Wermyking

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If have great problems with my Spamcop Webmail for the last weeks. I can't do nothing with my mail in the Held folder, or trash folder. Every time I try to delete or whitelist or release them, Webmail jumps to the inbox folder.

Have anyone the same problem or a solution???


This is a known problem but usually not to the degree you are describing. There are threads about this and this thread will probably be merged into one of them or at least moved to the Email forum.

Usually, it will return you to the folder you were viewing prior to entering the folder you are working on. For example, you are in the Inbox, go to Held Mail and try to whitelist it returns you to Inbox. If you started in Trash, though, you would be returned to Trash. For me this happens maybe once a day.

Usually, when I go back to the folder again and try, it works fine. I have gotten into the habit of Selecting the folder from the pull down, then clicking the Open Folder link when it happens, and not had it repeat.

Because it is intermittant, we have never been able to determine the cause. I suspect it is related to certain messages in the folder having problems. If you are having it happen all the time, perhaps you could contact JT (email admin) with your account information and he can determine the problem and fix it for everyone. Please ask any additional questions here.

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This is a known problem but usually not to the degree you are describing.  There are threads about this and this thread will probably be merged into one of them or at least moved to the Email forum.

Usually, it will return you to the folder you were viewing prior to entering the folder you are working on.  For example, you are in the Inbox, go to Held Mail and try to whitelist it returns you to Inbox. If you started in Trash, though, you would be returned to Trash.  For me this happens maybe once a day.

Usually, when I go back to the folder again and try, it works fine.  I have gotten into the habit of Selecting the folder from the pull down, then clicking the Open Folder link when it happens, and not had it repeat. 

Because it is intermittant, we have never been able to determine the cause.  I suspect it is related to certain messages in the folder having problems.  If you are having it happen all the time, perhaps you could contact JT (email admin) with your account information and he can determine the problem and fix it for everyone.  Please ask any additional questions here.



Thanks for your help. In my account it happens all the time.

If I want to do something with the mails in a folder I have to go to the preferences and must set this folder to the folder which is shown after entering the account.

For example, I want to whitelist, release or delete mails in my Held Mail folder, I must make the Held Mail folder, to the folder, which is shown after entering Spamcop Webmail.

If I go to an other folder every time I want to do something there with the mails, it jumps back to the folder which is set as the "Entering Folder".

So I don't think it's related to messages in the folder, but to this option in the preferences, which says, what folder is shown after entering Web Mail.

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  • 1 month later...

Since this is the newest topic on the subject I thought I would add my comments here.

WebMail continues to have problems dealing with folders other than the Inbox itself.

Before I go on, I should note that I think that SpamCop itself is a very great tool and the the filtered email system works well when used with IMAP or other local clients, but that I find the WebMail interface to be extremely bad and personally only use is for testing purposes.

Now back to the subject:

If I am in a user created folder, it is imposible to move to the 2nd page. Only the first page of data is viewable (maximum setting is 500 messages) It I try to move to another page it jumps me back to the Inbox.

If you report the messages as spam from within the subfolder, the following message is displayed.

500 messages have been reported as spam to SpamCop.

500 message(s) have been deleted.

Note: the number of messages will depend on how may you actually send, in this case it is 500 which is the maximum that can be handled at one time.

And I am back in the Inbox.

Returning to the sub folder again, the messages have not been deleted and can actually be reported as spam a second time.

Note, in my testing I made sure that all messages were at least 3 days old so no reports would actually be sent.

If I report from the Inbox, the messages do get deleted.

SpamCop does send a email with the following Subject: "SpamCop Quick reporting data" on all spam reported through WebMail using the "Report as spam" button

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Since this is the newest topic on the subject I thought I would add my comments here.

WebMail continues to have problems dealing with folders other than the Inbox itself.


I do not have these problems, but I don't have that volume of email either. I have seen similiar problems in the past but not within the last 6 months.

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If I am in a user created folder, it is imposible to move to the 2nd page.  Only the first page of data is viewable (maximum setting is 500 messages)  It I try to move to another page it jumps me back to the Inbox.


When I changed to an identical view of 500 messages per page, I was able to view the second and all succeeding pages of a user created mailbox/Folder. I'll test "Report as spam" from such a mailbox/Folder with over 500 messages later tonight or tomorrow morning.
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Just in case it is a browser issue, I am using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.50.4807.2300IC with Update Versions: SP2: Q832894; q313829

Java console enabled

Java logging not enabled

JIT complier for virtual machine enabled

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I'll test "Report as spam" from such a mailbox/Folder with over 500 messages later tonight or tomorrow morning.


Sorry for the delay, it took longer than expected for the requisite number of spam email messages to pile up, and RL intervened for a while. My test was successful (in that the first 500 of 553 spam email messages were subjected to "Report as spam" (reported and really deleted)), and then the last 53 suffered the same fate. I'm also using fully patched IE6SP1 on Win2KPro, and don't have access to an NT4 system running IE5.5 at present. So, I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce any of your findings. :(
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...dbiel, you probably already know this but for the benefit of other who may not: at this point, it would probably be best to contact JT (support[at]spamcop.net) with your SpamCop e-mail details and a description of your problem.

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