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HotMail Account Access denied


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I have been denied access to a hotmail account - said access denied - account closed.  What has happened?


I doubt anyone here can say. Try Hotmail support.

This forum is for discussing new FAQ items for SpamCop.


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Hotmail has closed your account for some reason. You will have to ask Hotmail why.

If you are a spam reporter, it is possible that somehow someone at Hotmail thought you were *sending* the spam rather than *reporting* it. If you are not a spam reporter, your guess is as good as mine.

Hotmail is notorious for being hard to find someone who will answer questions. Be persistent; be assertive (don't get side tracked on other issues, but repeat what you want - your account to be reopened because you do not spam); try using the telephone to contact them.

Good Luck

Miss Betsy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am receiving the following message when attempting to log into my inbox: ACCOUNT CLOSED / ACCESS DENIED. I have not closed my account and access it daily - throughout the day. I noticed that this is a common question on this forum and was wondering if anyone had experienced it and if so how they were able to fix it. Thanks for your time.

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Deleted the duplicate of czechleo's post that was placed in the How to Use ... Forum section ..... .. Had Move'd it to the Lounge, but then found this copy ... and this copy was then Merge'd into an existing Topic on the same subject. PM sent.

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Deleted the duplicate of czechleo's post that was placed in the How to Use ... Forum section ..... .. Had Move'd it to the Lounge, but then found this copy ... and this copy was then Merge'd into an existing Topic on the same subject.  PM sent.


To which I was posting...

I am receiving the following message when attempting to log into my inbox:  ACCOUNT CLOSED / ACCESS DENIED.  I have not closed my account and access it daily - throughout the day.  I noticed that this is a common question on this forum and was wondering if anyone had experienced it and if so how they were able to fix it.  Thanks for your time.


First, a moderator wil need to move your post as you posted this in the How to Use... tree. Since not directly related to spamcop (though other people reporting hotmail spam using their hotmail accounts have had a similiar problem), it should probably be moved to the Lounge.

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My grandma (who is not at all computer saavy) is getting the same error.

"Account Closed / Access Denied."

I sent an email through the Customer Support link below the Account Closed message, got..

Hello <grandma>,

Thank you for writing to Microsoft Passport Network Technical Support.

My name is Salie and I apologize for the delay in answering your e-mail.

I understand that you cannot sign in to your <email> account because you are being prompted with an error message stating "Account Closed.  Access Denied."  I know how important it is to you and I look forward to assisting you.

However, after reviewing the information that you have provided, I have determined that the support group of MSN Hotmail can best address your issue.  To contact them, please go to:


I appreciate the time you spent in sending us your inquiry.  Please feel free to write back if you have any Microsoft Passport Network-related concerns.



Microsoft Passport Network Technical Support

The part that upsets me is that this link is EXACTLY WHAT I SUBMITTED AT FIRST to get this reply! Loophole anyone?

If anyone progresses with this problem please post about it.. My grandma thinks I blew up the internet cuz her email doesn't work.

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I sent an email through the Customer Support link below the Account Closed message, got..

The part that upsets me is that this link is EXACTLY WHAT I SUBMITTED AT FIRST to get this reply! Loophole anyone?

If anyone progresses with this problem please post about it.. My grandma thinks I blew up the internet cuz her email doesn't work.


I think that the support emails can be replied to - check and see. If so, point out that you had sent the original query through the link.

and use the link again copying the reply into it. tell them what your grandma thinks.

(also make sure that your grandma's computer doesn't have a trojan on it)

And then just try every possible means to contact them and always include the replies. If you don't get a reply, try again.

Miss Betsy

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  • 1 year later...

I think that the support emails can be replied to - check and see. If so, point out that you had sent the original query through the link.

and use the link again copying the reply into it. tell them what your grandma thinks.

(also make sure that your grandma's computer doesn't have a trojan on it)

And then just try every possible means to contact them and always include the replies. If you don't get a reply, try again.

Miss Betsy

Hi ppl...

I got that "Account Closed. Access Denied." problem

I hasnt able to access hotmail.com or mail.live.com "hotmail account",

but MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger Both accepted the login normaly.

Then to try to get email back, done the following:

Got into: http://onecare.live.com/site/pt-pt/center/whatsnew.htm

Then: http://account.live.com, and logged in normaly.

Next: in account information , i updated some of my Personal Details

mainly the country and profession,

and changed the secret question,

always using the same pass.( unchanged)

Then: browsed some more of that site looking for support forms, and finally...

yet .. while logged on live account page,

logged on in mail.live.com and got the "Your account has been activated!!"

"Hotmail Webmail" is lookig all back to normal now, as "Windows live mail beta" inbox is back.

Try that if you want.

Good luck.

Edit: (new info)

Hotmail.com and Outlook Express do not handle this my [at]hotmail.com account anymore... because i am testing "Windows Live" Beta maybe.

So... Downloaded Windows Live Mail Desktop. This replaces Outlook Express.

In download page i got the "Opt-Out Live" link.

I will move on testing "Live". Maybe if i selected that link to opt-out the hotmail account got to normal. And outlook express will work

with the hotmail account again.

Looks like hotmail slowly forcing we to go to "windows live" and... "windows vista" instead of

hotmail/.NET Passport and windows XP.

Windows Live Mail Desktop while in instalation offer the possility to move all email accounts, email messages, and addresses stored in Outlook Express, and MS Office Outlook address book... and it will sincronise messenger contacts with the local addresses in WAB file.

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Then to try to get email back, done the following:

Got into: http://onecare.live.com/site/pt-pt/center/whatsnew.htm

Then: http://account.live.com, and logged in normaly.

Next: in account information , i updated some of my Personal Details

mainly the country and profession,

and changed the secret question,

always using the same pass.( unchanged)

Then: browsed some more of that site looking for support forms, and finally...

yet .. while logged on live account page,

logged on in mail.live.com and got the "Your account has been activated!!"

"Hotmail Webmail" is lookig all back to normal now, as "Windows live mail beta" inbox is back.

Try that if you want.

Good luck.

thanks maax. I occor the same problem and followed your instruction and it works. thanks very much

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  • 1 month later...


I have been denied access to a hotmail account - said access denied - account closed. What has happened?

I am not able to login in,I have contacted the customer support and account will be reviewed and re-opened as quickly as possible.Is there any other way out .

Thanks for your help

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I have been denied access to a hotmail account - said access denied - account closed. What has happened?

Can only guess that you found your way "here" due to some search engine results. Bad thing is that it doesn't appear that the whole 'subject' Topic list/Discussion contents were actually looked at prior to Registering, Validating, and Posting .... Merged this 'new' Topic into one of the recent existing discussions on the same subject matter.

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Doesn't it seem strange that this post from 'fantoosh' has the same exact line in it that is in the first post on this thread by 'Jan"?
Different members (as you can see) from different places (which you can't) if that's what you're wondering.
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Thanks a lot Guys.I am able to login again ha ha!! Hey but guys you did nothing for me:)

Geeze .. even more evidence of very little reading going on .... not even explaining just what any of the 'volunteers' working at providing support for the SpamCop.net toolset are supposed to do with reguards to a HotMail access issue ...???

I might even go so far as to point out that not everyone 'here' is a 'Guy' .....

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  • 3 months later...


my hotmail account inbox is closed.. !! [at]_[at]

i cannot access the inbox. , the account is very important for me :blink:

i try to contact the support. NOTHING HAPPENED :(

i contact billing support. NOTHING HAPPENED :(

i contact phone support. Nothing happened again..

what i can do for this ? how can i rest my closed inbox ? please any body know how tell me

or add me to Messenger: arrabah[at]hotmail.com

bye :lol:

Moderator Edit: Merged this 'new' Topic into an existing Discussion .. PM sent to advise of the move.

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And yet again, ignoring that this must have shown up in some Search results, what in the world is anyone here supposed to do about a HotMail account? If there was an 'pull' here, I'd still have my original HotMail account, dating back to within a couple of weeks after HotMail arived, long before Microsoft got involved .... and the fact that this account was hammered due to "me" spamming has got to be a clue, considering the original e-mail involved was a complaint about some lowlife spamming the SpamCop.net newsgroups via the WebTV link .... a couple of hundred totally idiotic e-mails back and forth to some very ignorant folks got me nothing .... yet Miss Betsy says she got her daughter's e-mail account reinstated with just a couple of e-mails ...

But again, there is no connection between SpamCop.net and Microsoft/HotMail ....

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