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Filtered Account Attachments

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This morning a friend sent me a attached file (5 megs) to a spamcop filtered POP address, I never received the email with or without the attachment. Question, will attachments (*.zip) be forwarded if the sender is on your white list and if so is there a limit to the size of the file?

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I just sent a 2 MB zip file to my personal address which gets forwarded to my spamcop account and it showed up almost immediately. So zip files are accepted by spamcop.

I have also sent that message to my yahoo account which will be POPped by spamcop to test that part of the equation.

I just received the 2 MB zip file popped from yahoo.

JeffG seems to have answered the question as to the maximum file size through the spamcop system, so the problem probably lies elsewhere.

Can you confirm the sender used the correct address? Can he send a test message without an attachment?

Sorry I can't be much more help.

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