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Unreported Spam Saved: Report Now


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"Unreported spam Saved: Report Now

You have submitted spam which has not yet been reported. Please avoid re-reporting spam. If you have already reported this spam or do not want to report it, please make sure to click "cancel" instead of submitting the report!

Remove all unreported spam"

Under trhe 'Report spam' but on my login the above notice is always there. Is this be default and if so how do I know what hasn't been reported and what has. How Do I avoid reporting it twice?

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... the above notice is always there. Is this be default and if so how do I know what hasn't been reported and what has. How Do I avoid reporting it twice?
If you only submit it once there is no problem, there is then only one parse/report for each spam you submit - and that message goes away when you have reported/completed all the outstanding If you get to the the individual report after that point there is a message confirming it has already been reported. If you think you might have reported any more than once just cancel, either individually or all outstanding.

Sort of sounds like you haven't been completing the reporting of any spam and you have been emailing them in (as attachments)? You should get an autoresponder message from SpamCop advising you have "n" spam to report - but sometimes those messages get blocked by your provider. The process is not completed until you hit the report button (if you're happy the reports should be sent to the responsible party/parties) - just follow the link that appears with the notice of unreported spam. A lot of people get caught out when "submitting", thinking that is all there is to do. No, you have to complete by "reporting" once the spam has been parsed.

Does this help? Let's know how you go.

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"Unreported spam Saved: Report Now

You have submitted spam which has not yet been reported. Please avoid re-reporting spam. If you have already reported this spam or do not want to report it, please make sure to click "cancel" instead of submitting the report!

Remove all unreported spam"

Under trhe 'Report spam' but on my login the above notice is always there. Is this be default and if so how do I know what hasn't been reported and what has. How Do I avoid reporting it twice?

Each time you forward spam to your submit.x address you should then get an email reply stating the spam is ready to report. If you do not follow the links in the email and finish the process, the Unreported spam Saved: Report Now link will show. The only ways to report twice is to submit it twice or to paste it into the box twice or do one of each. Also be aware that some of those messages may now be too old to report.

The general process is:

1. You send the spam to the parser via email or copy/paste.

2. The parser analyzes the spam and figures out where to send reports.

3. You confirm those reports are reasonable and hit the button to send your reports.

It sounds like you have done step one but not 2 or 3. Using quick reporting combines the steps and asks you check where your reports went after the fact but does not report web pages which are more difficult to determine than email source.

If you still have questions, please post them

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If you still have questions, please post them

With the caveat "in the appropriate Forum section" .... This was posted into the "How to use ..." Forum section, but did not include a tutorial or set of instructions .. therefore not fitting the description of;

How to use ..... SpamCop Reporting

How to Instructions Only - Problems and issues belong in the other specific Forum sections

This Topic/Discussion moved to the Reporting Help Forum section ....

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I do all my reporting thru Mailwasher so process seems to be a bit different. I get an autoresponder for each spam (haven't organised the quick way yet) which gives the link to submit and that apparently is all I do. But I 've been a bit confused as to the process as there3aren't many posts around dealing with Mailwasher use. So its possible I have some in the unreported part that has already been reported.

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... So its possible I have some in the unreported part that has already been reported.
Should be impossible - but to be conservative/safe - just hit the "delete all outstanding" link. You can start afresh in that event. I'm sure the perpetrators will present themselves time and again for your attention :) There are other MailWasher users "here", perhaps one of them can chip in to reassure you.
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I do all my reporting thru Mailwasher so process seems to be a bit different.

Mailwasher only takes care of step 1 in the process. You still need to complete the reporting by following the links or going to the website.

It is possible that some of the replies did not make it back to you so you did not report those.

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You still need to complete the reporting by following the links or going to the website.

by this I presume you mean the link from the autoresponder that says "submit form or report" not sure of the exact wording? Is the opnly confirmation after that to be found under the "recen reports" tab on my login?

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by this I presume you mean the link from the autoresponder that says "submit form or report" not sure of the exact wording? Is the opnly confirmation after that to be found under the "recen reports" tab on my login?
Yes, I think you have it right, sort of. The "unreported spam saved" message is actually another form of confirmation that the submission is ready for the next step. The autoresponder message I see is:

"SpamCop is now ready to process your spam.

Use links to finish spam reporting (members use cookie-login please!):"

If I follow the link I see the spam message parsed with the buttons [send spam Report(s) Now] [Preview Reports] and [Cancel] at the bottom of the page.

I can also/instead log in to members.spamcop.net (it is an option - even if the autoreponder message has gone astray I can finish the process this way) and see:

"Unreported spam Saved: Report Now

You have submitted spam which has not yet been reported. Please avoid re-reporting spam. If you have already reported this spam or do not want to report it, please make sure to click "cancel" instead of submitting the report!

Remove all unreported spam "

"Report Now" and "Remove all unreported spam" in the above are links on the page. Re-reporting, as referred to in the text, is only a factor if I have submitted the same spam more than once. I can't report more than once on the same submission (see below).

Until I report or cancel a spam its entry in "Past Reports" - "View Recent Reports" ends in "No reports filed". If I cancel or report the spam that changes appropriately and the process is complete.

If a report has already been made (through the log-in page perhaps) and (say) I follow the link from the autoresponder then the [send spam Report(s) Now] etc. buttons are gone and there is the message "Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:"

Is any of this different in your experience?


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Bear in mind, too, that anything you previously submitted through mailwasher but did not complete by confirming the report will fail if it is more than three days old. That's a feature to prevent reporting servers where the problem has been fixed in the interim.

I'd suggest that you 'Remove all unreported spam' and start with a clean slate. That will avoid wading through all the over three days old items only to get a 'cannot report because this message is too old' type warnings.

Thanks for persevering through the setup to get a functioning reporting system for yourself.


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