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Blocked mail

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Still learning and trying to understand how the system works.

Copied below are what I beleve to be the key parts of the email header describing why the mail was blocked.

Would it be possible for someone to explain it a bit clearer?

If needed I will post the entire message.

Thank you in advance for your replies

PS I have white listed it to prevent future mail from being blocked.

From: Holland America <hollandamerica[at]xmr3.com>

Subject: ADV: Last Minute San Diego Cruise Specials from $449

Mime-Version: 1.0

Message-Id: <I-1-762361-24123274-2-1793-US1-857D2803[at]xmr3.com>

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade4

X-spam-Level: **************

X-spam-Status: hits=14.2 tests=ADVERT_CODE,CLICK_BELOW,HTML_50_60,





X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked bl.spamcop.net


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

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Actually, you left out the critical lines .. all the addresses involved in getting the e-mail from there to you. However, pulling data from these two lines ;


X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked bl.spamcop.net

The IPs of probably part of your network, probably your ISP ...

so then we have to go look up the other two, again having to walk through it because you chopped off the handoff lines .. not listed in bl.spamcop.net listed in bl.spamcop.net (

So based on that, the e-mail came from the second IP, thus the Disposition line, this IP was found to be an active participant in the DNSbl at the moment.

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Hey WAZOO...I am having the same trouble...all mail with the address of XXXX[at]webtv.net is being blocked and I have the friend's email address whitelisted. I don't understand it either and have difficulty trying to figure out how to get any answers to questions on this thing. Hope you are having better luck.


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In addition to what Wazoo wrote, (RDNS memailout24.messagereach.com) was listed by the SCBL but is no longer (see http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo... for details), so your symptom should now be gone. However, the details (along with the 322 hits at Google Groups) appear to indicate a certain lack of responsibility on the part of the people administering that Server and its neighbors, so you might want to reconsider if you are doing business with them. SpamCop reports about currently go to abuse at genuity.com.

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Actually, you left out the critical lines .. all the addresses involved in getting the e-mail from there to you.  However, pulling data from these two lines ;


X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked bl.spamcop.net

The IPs of probably part of your network, probably your ISP ...

so then we have to go look up the other two, again having to walk through it because you chopped off the handoff lines .. not listed in bl.spamcop.net listed in bl.spamcop.net (

So based on that, the e-mail came from the second IP, thus the Disposition line, this IP was found to be an active participant in the DNSbl at the moment.

If a message is blocked by a DNS blacklist (as shown on the X-SpamCop-Disposition line), then the LAST IP in the X-SpamCop-Checked line is the problem.


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all mail with the address of XXXX[at]webtv.net is being blocked

I don't have the power to go in and see how you've got things set up. In general, most of the blocking / filtering is done based on the IP address, rather than an e-mail address, so you'd really want to identify the IP involved in your friend's outgoing e-mail ... perhaps something in the blocked data portion of your incoming?

That you say the address is whitelisted should solve a few stumbling blocks, but after seeing so many instances of people even blocking themselves, maybe you'll want to look at what's in your set of blocking / filtering rules and see if somehow accidentally ..???

Perhaps posting some of the headers of one of these "blocked" e-mails would allow someone else to actually get closer to pinpointing exactly where things are going wrong ..?? I should state, I am working from the view that what you are describing is this friend's e-mail is showing up in your Held Folder in your SpamCop e-mail account, else you wouldn't be posting here. If this isn't the issue, can you try to explain where I messed up?

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Hi everybody. I too am having my email address blocked (mdrumins[at]supernet.ab.ca) - for no valid reason that I know. Can anybody tell me how I can appeal such blocking? The simple reason is because other computers infected with the W32.Netsky.D[at]mm virus, are sending spam messages with the virus attached, and one of the features of the virus is to change the "From" address to one in the infected computer's address book. So, unknown to me, spam mesaages are being received by various people, supposedly coming from me - but they are NOT - my computer is protected by the Norton Automatic Update virus program, and also my server (Uniserve) is destroying emails with viruses before they reach me.

My "million dollar question" to this "SpamCops" organization is: "What are they doing about such proliferation of "bogus" "From" addresses, sending spam??? I have replied to quite a few that came to me, to warn the sender their email had a virus, and was told that the email did not come from that email address!!!

Michael Drummond


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Hi, Michael!


My "million dollar question" to this "SpamCops" organization is: "What are they doing about such proliferation of "bogus" "From" addresses, sending spam???


...As far as I know, there isn't anything that SpamCop can do. Do you have any suggestions?

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Hi everybody. I too am having my email address blocked (mdrumins[at]supernet.ab.ca) - for no valid reason that I know.


My "million dollar question" to this "SpamCops" organization is: "What are they doing about such proliferation of "bogus" "From" addresses, sending spam???  I have replied to quite a few that came to me, to warn the sender their email had a virus, and was told that the email did not come from that email address!!!

Michael Drummond


Don't know because every list and everyone I know blocks by IP address. It is not Spamcops job to monitor the "From" address.

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I too am having my email address blocked

Can you please post the blocking message? No ISP Admin worth its salt blocks its customers based on from address. Thanks!

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