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help - unlist/Stop IP


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Can anyone help and kindly unlist IP from the blacklist.

I have been trying to find out why we are listed in the spamcop blacklist but without any luck. Below is info receive from spamcop, Thank you so much listed in bl.spamcop.net (

Causes of listing

System has sent mail to SpamCop spam traps in the past week (spam traps are secret, no reports or evidence are provided by SpamCop)

Additional potential problems

(these factors do not directly result in spamcop listing)

DNS error: has no reverse dns

Listing History

It has been listed for less than 24 hours.

In additional here is the return mail


From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [mailto:MAILER-DAEMON[at]smtp2.idec.com]

Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 2:51 PM

To: sash[at]idec.com

Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details

The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- (reason: 552-MessageWall: Message score (2) has reached or exceeded maximum (2):) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to jtb-fw.jtbusa.com.: >>> DATA <<< 552-MessageWall: Message score (2) has reached or exceeded maximum (2): <<< 552- 2 DNSBL/REJECT: bl.spamcop.net/ Your mail server is listed by a DNS-based blacklist. Please see http://openrbl.org/ <<< 552 MessageWall: This message is being rejected 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

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Can anyone help and kindly unlist IP from the blacklist.

I have been trying to find out why we are listed in the spamcop blacklist but without any luck. Below is info receive from spamcop, Thank you so much listed in bl.spamcop.net (

Causes of listing

System has sent mail to SpamCop spam traps in the past week (spam traps are secret, no reports or evidence are provided by SpamCop)

You're sending emails to spamtraps according to what you posted. Do you have an auto-responder, or anti-virus program, that sends emails to forged From: addresses?

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yes, our exchange server will auto reponse to the sender if the email address sender sent was invalid.

What if the Original sender used a forged From: addresses? What will happen if our exhcange server auto reponse to that message? What will the message go? Will they go to spam traps?

Also, does anyone know how to turn the auto reponse off in the exchange server if the recipient name is not recognized??

Note all our outgoing email is redirect to server.

Thank you so much again for your help

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Most if not all spams use forged addresses in the "From:" line. They forge them from the same lists of users they send spam to. So bouncing you are very likely to hit and upset a lot of innocent people.

so will these return messages go to the spamtraps?

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so will these return messages go the spamtraps?

They can, and they do. Spamtrap addresses are not used, normally not that easily guessed, generally made available on web pages where only some lowlife running some scavenging software would nomally come up with one of them. Though there are suspicions at times that perhaps these addresses aren't as "rare" as hoped, there is another train of thought that some spammers intentionally search out these addresses and include them in their spew with the intent as you've ended up in ... e-mail being blocked and a definite attitude about SpamCop and those that use its various tools and BL.

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Hi, bluedan!


Also, does anyone know how to turn the auto reponse off in the exchange server if the recipient name is not recognized??


...That you asked this question causes me great concern that the mail system you support is likely to have many opportunities for improved efficiencies and practices that can be improved. I would strongly urge you to contract with a knowledgeable consultant who knows MS Exchange well and can guide you in implementing best practices for administering your mail system. Alternatively (or in addition), professional training in MS Exchange and your Server Operating System would be a wise move.

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Just a quick Google, I'm sure that someone allegedly versed and paid for maintaining your Exchange server should have access to more specific information, but .. here's a start point;




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Also, does anyone know how to turn the auto reponse off in the exchange server if the recipient name is not recognized??

Download and burn ISOs of Mandrake 10 or Fedora Core or almost any other linux distro. Put in CD-ROM, restart machine and anwer 'yes' to 'Delete all winows partitions?'


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Hi All,

Thank you so much for all of your helps. spamcop deputies just delist our IP for this one time. I am looking at the information Wazoo post to see how to disable the auto reponse from our mail server.

Many thanks,

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