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Ham Marked as Spam

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Have you checked the FAQ, specifically: FAQ about the Personal Blacklist and Whitelist

How are your whitelists setup? http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/304.html

Can you post a sample set of headers (keeping in mind this is a public forum)?

Wazoo: Just noticed a typo on http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/356.html

"Manage your peronal blacklist"

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Yes, I've checked the FAQ - setting up the white list seemed pretty straightforward.

Here's an example - I entered my mother's email address which is an aol account we can call:


Then I got an email from her in my inbox full of spam assasin messages saying this email is probably spam.

Did I do something wrong?

Have you checked the FAQ, specifically:

FAQ about the Personal Blacklist and Whitelist

How are your whitelists setup?

Can you post a sample set of headers (keeping in mind this is a public forum)?

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Then I got an email from her in my inbox full of spam assasin messages saying this email is probably spam.


1. Whitelisting an address will not stop the checks from happening, but will make sure the message ends up in the inbox rather than the Held Mail folder.

2. Spamcop does not add anything to the subject or body of messages it handles. The only SpamAssassin headers added by spamcop look like the following, anything else is being added elsewhere in the chain:

X-spam-Checker-Version:  SpamAssassin 3.0.0 (2004-09-13) on blade5


X-spam-Status:  hits=0.2 tests=AWL,NO_REAL_NAME version=3.0.0

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Wazoo:  Just noticed a typo on http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/356.html

"Manage your peronal blacklist"

I can't touch that one .. but kicked a note up to those that can .. thanks ...

Then I got an email from her in my inbox full of spam assasin messages saying this email is probably spam.

Did I do something wrong?

Mot even sure why you'd ask that question. Take a look at what Spamassissin based its result on, then talk to Mom <g>

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This might be a bit tangential, but I've noticed that the AOL webmail servers sometimes make it onto the SC DNSBL and there's no way to globally whitelist mail coming from the AOL webmail system (other than to whitelist all mail from AOL.com addresses).

However, it sounds like the OP is referring specifically to the SpamAssassin scoring of messages from his mother...although it wasn't clear from the original post if they were going into his Held Mail or not. How high were the SA scores on the messages?


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However, it sounds like the OP is referring specifically to the SpamAssassin scoring of messages from his mother...although it wasn't clear from the original post if they were going into his Held Mail or not. How high were the SA scores on the messages?


We'll have to get the straight scoop from the OP, but it sounded to me like they were asking for a way to make it so that messages that were whitelisted showed up in the Inbox looking like:

Subject: Hi son!

rather than:

Subject: spam: Hi son!

Of course, I could be wrong. :)


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...it sounded to me like they were asking for a way to make it so that messages that were whitelisted showed up in the Inbox looking like:

Subject: Hi son!

rather than:

Subject: spam: Hi son!

But AFAIK, the SpamCop implementation of SpamAssassin doesn't do any Subject-line tagging (I've got both spamcop.net and cesmail.net email accounts), so I don't think this is it. When they wrote "marked as spam," perhaps they're referring to the SA scoring in the headers of the message? The OP will need to clarify.


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