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Making sure that it is known!


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Welcome and congrats to our dear Miss Betsy and the hides-his-magic-well Merlyn for their seemingly unnoticed entry into the 'been there' category of helpful posting. Especially noted is that the history of these folks is that in general, all posts contained data and suggestions for the folks they were responding to.

Here's my thanks for the time and energy put forth ... not said enough is how much this is actually appreciated ....

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Welcome and congrats to our dear Miss Betsy and the hides-his-magic-well Merlyn for their seemingly unnoticed entry into the 'been there' category of helpful posting.  Especially noted is that the history of these folks is that in general, all posts contained data and suggestions for the folks they were responding to.

Here's my thanks for the time and energy put forth ... not said enough is how much this is actually appreciated ....


My thanks too. Great work.


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<blush> It's an honor to be linked with Merlyn - who knows what he is talking about!

There are several more who give great answers - I haven't been posted for several days because someone else has already given a good answer. But I hope that I have been of help to those who are technically non-fluent.

And the work that the VOLUNTEER moderators do is tremendous!

Miss Betsy

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And while we are thanking everyone... I notice that JeffG and Jeff G have a combined score well into millennium - surely one in the the same but carefully avoiding accolades by multiple registrations  :blink:


not carefully, and not on purpose. I just haven't had time to wear my JeffG hat in a long time. :)
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not carefully, and not on purpose.  I just haven't had time to wear my JeffG hat in a long time. :)


And if you do, I assume you will have a HUGE list of PM's as the Moderators now get the reports (and some people like to report their own problems with spamcop that way).

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