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TripleHelix.info Improperly Blocked


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I didn't even send that person an email. They were receiving daily digests of all posts made on the 3DNA.net forum. (which is not my site BTW) I made a post, and have my site URL in my signature, that person decided to stop receiving the daily digests and instead of unsubscribing from the other site, they reported it to spamcop.

Because my signature was on the particular post included in the daily digest, I (triplehelix.info) was reported to my host (midphase.com) and my website was suspended.

To make matters worse, MidPhase has a zero tolerance policy and they said they couldn't unsuspend my account unless spamcop sent them a message saying that triplehelix.info was ok.


The below is what was reported.

[spamCop (http://www.triplehelix.info) id:1385221242]Daily archive of New




Posted By: 1385221242[at]reports.spamcop.net Posted On: 20 Mar 2005


[ SpamCop V1.417 ]

This message is brief for your comfort. Please use links below for details.

Spamvertised web site: http://www.triplehelix.info

http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?i=z13852...a9fa3d8d09d0 z

http://www.triplehelix.info is; Sun, 20 Mar 2005 09:39:27 GMT

[ Offending message ]

Received: from smtp-in2.blueyonder.co.uk ([]) by cluster3 with

Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);

Sun, 20 Mar 2005 06:30:54 +0000

Received: from eback01.blueyonder.co.uk ([]) by

smtp-in2.blueyonder.co.uk with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713);

Sun, 20 Mar 2005 06:30:54 +0000

Received: from [] (helo=anti-virus01-07)

by eback01.blueyonder.co.uk with smtp (Exim 4.32)

id 1DCtx3-0006w7-J2

for x; Sun, 20 Mar 2005 06:30:17 +0000

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by exim10.blueyonder.co.uk with esmtp (Exim 4.34)

id 1DCtwz-0005gt-TB

for x; Sun, 20 Mar 2005 06:30:14 +0000

Received: by ws1.iplink.net id ;

Sun, 20 Mar 2005 01:30:05 -0500

To: x

From: webmaster[at]3dna.net

X-Mailer: Mailer::1.0 (http://www.gossamer-threads.com/scripts/)

Subject: Daily archive of New Users Forum


Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 01:30:05 -0500

X-Envelope-To: x

Return-Path: root[at]iplink.net

X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Mar 2005 06:30:54.0796 (UTC)


'New Users Forum'. The forum location is




Subject: Re: ECS Elite Castle & MSI Village

Poster: Aqua

Posted on: 03/19/05 04:29 PM

I already did, two weeks ago (maybe more). He said he would look into it,


the people he was asking apparently never got back to him.

Visit Triple Helix



Posted By: Josh Ellithorpe Posted On: 20 Mar 2005


This is being forwarded to the appropriate party. Thanks for the report.

You have been suspended as we received this report from SpamCop. Support

would like you to email them an explanation to support[at]midphase.com they

assure me that email wont bounce.




- midPhaseTalk Head Admin -

- midPhase Customer Service & Sales Rep -


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Unfortunately, the Tracking URL you offered to see the spam was copied from a screen that 'shortened' it up, so that it isn't complete (or correct) .... The item in question is the line http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?i=z13852...a9fa3d8d09d0 z .... the bits are the "shortened" part .. the dangling "z" shouldn't be dangling ....

What you are asking is a bit unusual .... what actually goes on is that the complaint/report sent to the ISP has options available ... in your described scenario, the ISP in question would/should take a look at things .. based on your story, checking off the option to mark your site as an Innocent Bystander would be the norm, which would then also stop future SpamCop reports/complaints.

This situation appears to have nothing to do with the SpamCopDNSBL, so is being moved to the Lounge area. Noting that you failed to look through the FAQ and find an entry labeled "How to dispute ...." I have gone ahead and sent a heads-up to the Deputies on this ... based on the possibility that bad reporting has been involved. Just noting again that an e-mail to say "this web site is OK" is out of the ordinary ... however, if bad reporting was involved, lots of things could happen ...

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Unfortunately, that Tracking URL is all I have :( I don't have a full version, just the shortened version.

MidPhase.com has a very strict spam policy I'm afraid. They immediately suspend any reported account. I think that they need you to tell them that I'm an innocent bystander.

If someone on your end can access the ticket on MidPhase.com:

You can find SpamCop complaint in the ticket #14240

then it should be easy to correct the problem.

I apologize for posting my problem in the wrong area. Thank you for sending a heads-up to the proper people.

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This is obviously a case of "bad reporting," and the Deputies need to take swift action, both to assure the paranoid ISP/host of the innocence of their customer, and also to punish the SpamCop user who screwed up (although it could have been inadvertent, so I suppose the benefit of the doubt should be extended).

Of course, I'd quickly run away from a hosting provider who was this unreasonable, because they apparently didn't bother to read through the actual report, from which the truth about the situation could have quickly been discerned.


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From one of the guys who handled my complaint on MidPhase

This customer is 100% SPAMER. He spamvertised his site using 3rd party server.

I don't this it is legal news regarding his site.

So do I need to unsuspend this customer?

You can find SpamCop complain in the ticket #14240

He spamvertised his site using 3rd party server. !!!!!!!!

That's what he's calling my having a signature mentioning my site! And it is not only permitted there, but officially APPROVED and ENCOURAGED!

Normally though, MidPhase.com is an EXCELLENT server! This is the first time in three years that I have had trouble with them.

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I went up a management level and got my account unsuspended. They're saying that if I ever get another spamcop report they will terminate the server though.

I see the PM from Don, fortunately I was able to resolve the issue with MidPhase and his help (though welcome) is unneeded.

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I went up a management level and got my account unsuspended.  They're saying that if I ever get another spamcop report they will terminate the server though.

I see the PM from Don, fortunately I was able to resolve the issue with MidPhase and his help (though welcome) is unneeded.


Yes, but someone "goofed", by reporting you (that's not good) and

your provider terminated you (their client) because of a SpamCop

"snitch" (that's unreasonable). It seems you've got some problems.

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I went up a management level and got my account unsuspended.  They're saying that if I ever get another spamcop report they will terminate the server though.

I see the PM from Don, fortunately I was able to resolve the issue with MidPhase and his help (though welcome) is unneeded.

If you drop things now, there's going to be some other issues ... You got my attention, I got Don's attention, and Don is trying to get your attention (and that's not including the CC: to the Deputies) I've no idea what Don asked, but .... please follow through on this.

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I have reopened the support ticket and am pressing MidPhase further.


I think Wazoo was asking that you follow up with the spamcop deputies more than MidPhase. The fact your account was reopened is good.

Because this seems to be a case of a spamcop reporter using the service against the users agreement, spamcop wants to at the very least alert the reporter of what they did. If it can be determined this was done intentionally, the reporting rights of that individual could be removed altogether.

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