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Terrific anti-spam resource


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http://www.bluesecurity.com is a new spam-fighting group. Right now it is being Beta-tested. All Beta testers will remain in the program free when it goes on the market.

I usually avoid Betas because I wouldn't know how to fix my computer if it got screwed up but I was getting so much spam I decided to take a chance. Results: no problems and certain spammers have dropped me! :lol:

Give it a try. You'll love it.

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http://www.bluesecurity.com is a new spam-fighting group. ... Give it a try.  You'll love it.


Interesting, to give it some immediate context for discussion, to quote from the imediaconnection.com report linked to the bluesecurity.com default page:

... Consumers who download the Blue Frog service have spam sent to their real and “honey pot” addresses (which are deceptively similar to their actual addresses, but are set up and received by Blue Security, which posts them on a website in order to lure in spammers) tracked by the program. Then, for every spam message any Blue Frog member receives, Blue Security automatically sends opt-out requests to the spammer, via email and webforms linked to in the spam. The goal, evidently, is to force spammers to download an encrypted version of the do-not-call-registry in order to avoid becoming inundated with the enormity of opt-out requests.

At first glance -- and as others have pointed out -- this does seem similar to Lycos’ Make-Love-Not-spam campaign from a while back. It may be that Blue Frog will face many of the same ethical and methodological problems. But Eran Reshef, Blue Security’s CEO, thinks this is a misconception. “Blue Frog,” he told me, “merely gives its members a secure way to post an opt-out request -- to exercise their rights under the CAN-spam act.” It differentiates itself from Lycos’ program, he argues, because it certainly isn’t, as some have charged, meant as a denial-of-service attack on spammers. Instead, Reshef said, it’s just intended to give the “most hard core spammers” an incentive not to send emails to Blue Frog subscribers. ...

Sounds okay to me!

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Looks more like a listwashing service to me.

If this doesn't sound like listwashing I don't know what does.


Using our Registry Compliance Tools allows spammers and merchants using spam to enjoy the following benefits:

Spammers and merchants save time and money by sending spam only to people who may purchase the products they promote.

Merchants will no longer receive complaints and opt-out requests from Blue Security members.

Community members will stop posting complaints and opt-out requests as soon as they stop receiving spam advertizing the merchant's site.

Merchants ensure that their business partners do not terminate their relationships with them. For example, ISPs hosting their sites may shut down the merchant's site if large amounts of complaints are sent by users. Merchants can stop maintaining expensive fall-back web sites in case an ISP shut down their site.


Welcome to listwashing 101

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... UnsubscribeNow.org, Remove.org, GlobalRemoval.com, unsubscribenet.com and nationalantispamregistry.com ...


Those seem to have fallen off the perch (which proves your point, I guess) and HillsCap (presumably the same person as our member) reckoned nationalantispamregistry.com was actually a scam anyway. I guess we will know soon enough whether bluesecurity is as ill-equipped as the others to provide a viable service. If it does nothing more than demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the CAN-spam Act it could be useful, even in failure. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any spam for a while which even pretends compliance (apart from the thoroughly untrustworthy opt-out links). But I'm heavily filtered.

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I started a discussion on this in NANAE back in July, and provided this link for people interested in the "Blue Frog Initiative": http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=962392

It looks like fighting abuse with abuse. To me it appears they are going to be DDOS'ing what appear to be the spammer's website. If a joe job were pulled on a site, this DDOS could be more effective than the joe job itself.

Here's a link (in tinyurl) to the google group where the original discussion started. Admittedly, it turned into a partial flamefest, but USENET is full of that sort of amusement.


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