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SpamCop Banners?


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(just created for you)

But I'd seriously like to ask why you "couldn't find it" from the previously referenced / suggested path ....

General Information about SpamCop

How can I get help? How can I report a bug? How can I suggest a feature?

What are the rules for posting to the forum?

May I create a link to SpamCop from my site?

Just looks to easy to find/follow ....

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Can't find it  :(

Could you post link here please?


  • Did you find the link at the top of the page labeled SPAMCOP FAQ?
  • Did you find the section within that document labeled "General Information about SpamCop" (hint, there is a link toward the top with the same text that will bring you to the section)?
  • Did you find the link within that section labeled "May I create a link to SpamCop from my site?"?

If you had problems with part of Wazoo's directions above, or mine for that matter, please let us know EXACTLY what you had problems finding. We (mostly he) have tried to make finding the FAQ as simple as possible, placing it all over the place (top of every page, middle of many pages, pinned entries in every forum with a name like: "Pinned: Original SpamCop FAQ Plus - Read before Posting FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions"). What more beyond setting up a remote session and doing it for you can we do?

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Of course, the canonical answer used to be the 469x60 banner http://spamcop.net/images/sc_bannerad.gif as referenced at May I create a link to SpamCop from my site?, but http://spamcop.net/images/sc_bannerad.gif is now 32x32 pixels and non-visible (although it may have been the same as the one presented at http://the-shoppers-market.com/Pix/General/spamcop.GIF. http://www.winwoodfans.com/images/spamcop.gif appears to be your best bet, at 120x57 pixels and 6k.

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Not to mention the "search for" at the top of the forum page - entering the (copied) text May I create a link to SpamCop from my site? in the default SpamCop Forum & SpamCop FAQ has, as first item, http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/lofiversio....php/t2238.html (lofi, but what the heck). Ctrl-F, paste the text again and you're there. I really don't think there's anything wrong with the accessibility aspects, considering the volume of information that is addressed. I guess many organizations make their "link to us" invitation right up front, on their home page, but that's another matter entirely.

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