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Does this actually work?


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I have been using SpamCop for a few months now but still I get the same two spam emails every day, without fail. I have reported that many instances of spam and they all go to the same complaint address - does anyone actually take a blind bit of notice of these reports?

Frustated isn't the word.


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Some ISPs take spamcop reports very seriously; others don't.

The only consolation that you have is that the ones that don't are almost perpetually on the spamcop blocklist.

It doesn't sound like you are using the spamcop blocklist for filtering, but those that do (including the spamcop email service customers) appreciate your reporting!

Miss Betsy

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I have been using SpamCop for a few months now but still I get the same two spam emails every day, without fail. I have reported that many instances of spam and they all go to the same complaint address - does anyone actually take a blind bit of notice of these reports?


Hi John!

First of all, I'd like to thank you for reporting these messages. Your contribution in making reports helps keep the SpamCop block-list up to date.

Do you have a means for filtering or tagging your incoming mail so you take advantage of the block-list? A lot of folk forget that as well as reporting spam, you need a filtering system to stop the flow arriving with you. As others have noted many spam-friendly ISPs fail to act of spam reports.

If your ISP doesn't offer filtering based on the SpamCop BL then you might want to consider a SpamCop flat-rate Email account. I find mine an excellent means of processing Email and trapping the unwanted junk.


p.s. I have no official relationship with SpamCop or the flat-rate Email service - just a happy user.

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Would you mind sharing Tracking URLs for the two most recent ones?  Thanks!


No problem, this is from the 19th Dec:


and from the 18th Dec:


Always the same address to send a report to, ie, stevew[at]onet.com.au and always the same emails keep coming...again and again.


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Always the same address to send a report to, ie, stevew[at]onet.com.au and always the same emails keep coming...again and again.


Those are viruses, probably not hitting enough reporters to trigger blocks, so no, SpamCop won't do any good under that circumstance. If the abuse address isn't responsive I would suggest trying Exetel - abuse[at]exetel.com.au and/or postmaster[at]exetel.com.au, you could also try their support people via the website (the spam FAQ is at http://www.exetel.com.au/c_spam_faq.htm just to give you a laugh). Guerilla action might include posting in the Exetel forum at Whirlpool - http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-threads.cfm?f=105 - I notice a company rep, Annette Linton, hangs out there. Not polite but nor is harboring infection. All else failing, PM me and I will talk to the reclusive Steve Waddington (his address is given as metro area Perth)
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Frustated isn't the word.


Take heart. I have been reporting for only 1 1/2 - 2 yrs. I have not received a cheap Software spam sense 5 Dec. that's down from a high of 10 a day. Did my reporting do it? Did my manual reports to MicroSoft? Did the spammers just scrub my name off their list? Is this cycle of the moon in my favor? Who knows (or cares). My view is its like wearing garlic so not to catch a cold. Don't know if/how it works, but I don't have a cold.

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John took me up on the offer to speak to the nominated Exetel abuse person. Brought from my PM after doing so


The good news is the APNIC detail is up to date, I spoke to Steve Waddington who asked for an example to be sent to abuse[at]exetel.com.au (done, using one of your examples).  He says he receives abour 40 SpamCop reports a day, disconnects about 10 users a day in consequence or for other AUP breaches. 

The bad news is it is just about impossible, on the leanest possible construction of these figures, for your reports to have failed to have been acted on by now if they were each receiving a fair chance at being actioned.  So it is "squeeky wheel" time.  Suggest you keep reporting but to the Exetel abuse address as suggested by Steve Waddington.  Now he is specifically alerted, the chances of receiving attention should be much better.

In your PM you said you spoke to Exetel who said it was too expensive to virus screen.  That response was utterly bogus - all the reports are asking is for the ISP to locate the user (infection) and activate their own policy - disconnection or warning (more appropriate with a virus) or whatever.  I think you must have chanced on a work-experience kid in hir first 3 minutes on the job.

Continue as above for another week or so and see what happens (most  major Australian ISPs seem to take at least that long, in my experience with manual reporting).  Possibly  there are 2 infected machines hitting you, in which case they may not both be shut down at the same time.

Taking this to the forum to keep the populace up to date.



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