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Report spams to SC but no response


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I have reported several spams to Spamcop, but I've not received a response until today and that was 1 spam.  Is it my email program or my ISP blocking Spamcop's reporting emails?


Hi joyce!

If Jeff's response doesn't answer your question, then it would be helfpul to know how you are reporting to SpamCop.


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Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this:

I decided to cancel my submitted reports due to time restraints. I had about 10 spams reported. When I clicked remove all unreported spam...it said removed 127 unreported spams!! WOW...It takes me at least a month to report that many. And they were all clear as of yesterday. Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this?? Thanks for your time everyone!!

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Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this??  Thanks for your time everyone!!


Not a clue really, but ... looking at the "Reporting Server Status" graphic/link, reading Ellen's last newsgroup posting (placed here into the recent Announcement about the mail/webmail servers) ... there could be something going on with whatever the "IronPort engineers" have been up to .... there is no contact from "here" to those folks, and it really doesn't appear that even the Deputies have a direct contact into that "group" these days.

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I decided to cancel my submitted reports due to time restraints.  I had about 10 spams reported.  When I clicked remove all unreported spam...it said removed 127 unreported spams!!  WOW...It takes me at least a month to report that many.  And they were all clear as of yesterday.  Anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this??  Thanks for your time everyone!!


Hard to say without guessing... But my guess would be that you've only gone through half the process. You've probably submitted the reports to the parser but not gone to the next stage and verified the submission.

But that is a guess. You'd have to tell more about the process you've been following.


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I always keep track....for instance if I submit ten I make sure I report ten. I had 0 spams reported last night when I logged off. Got up this morning and submitted approximately 10 spams. Since the system was so slow I decided to click "remove all unreported spam" and it said removed 127 unreported spams. That just shocked me as I had 0 spams unreported last night and hadn't submitted any as well. I was just wondering if anyone else ever encountered this. It isn't too important. But thanks for your help everyone.

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I always keep track....for instance if I submit ten I make sure I report ten.  I had 0 spams reported last night when I logged off.  Got up this morning and submitted approximately 10 spams.  Since the system was so slow I decided to click "remove all unreported spam" and it said removed 127 unreported spams.  That just shocked me as I had 0 spams unreported last night and hadn't submitted any as well.  I was just wondering if anyone else ever encountered this.  It isn't too important.  But thanks for your help everyone.


Removed 276 unreported messages

...after I had reported 50 or so already, having had submitted only about 20 before the problems started to occur. Thank god I got suspicious of recurring spams and searched the forums, or I would have gone on sending off duplicate reports until my fingers fell off.

There seems to be something seriously, seriously fu**ed up with the reporting system!

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Removed 276 unreported messages

...after I had reported 50 or so already, having had submitted only about 20 before the problems started to occur. Thank god I got suspicious of recurring spams and searched the forums, or I would have gone on sending off duplicate reports until my fingers fell off.

There seems to be something seriously, seriously fu**ed up with the reporting system!


I also noticed a couple hours ago I was reporting the same spam over and over agin frm my free reporting account and cleared my unreported after waiting for and clicking the links in the emails and found, for a while, it seemed to be submitting multiple messages for each email submission. Please be careful. I still had the sent messages to compare the retruns from and these were definitely multiples of the same message. Have sent a message off to the deputies (also notifying them of the duplicate reports).

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Story conjectured is that somewhere during this outage, some 4xx type error messages were created, resulting in some submittals being re-sent (some multiple times) .... apparently, even though the 4xx messages were flowing freely, the e-mail was in fact getting through, thus the "mulltiple" submittals.

This said with no "official" input what-so-ever .....

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