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[Resolved] We have been added to blocked list


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My server ( pepperjack.pepperjack.com has been added to the blocked list today.

As suggested I went to the site http://psbl.surriel.com and found that the problem seems to be spamtrap mail.

If one of the clients on my box is sending spam I will certainly get rid of them.

Our smtp server does require login before sending or receiving email, so hopefully I can track the person and identify which domain it is coming from.

Where should I begin? I am new to spam tracking.

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... Where should I begin?  I am new to spam tracking.


Hi, you are right to try to fix it - although your IP address will have timed off "shortly" you will be back on the list soon enough, going by history. You might contact the Deputies who may be able to supply subject lines or something to help identify the source - (from SpamCop FAQ http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/75.html) as in http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/91.html. You will need to be one of the administrators identified down the page in http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=+ (but don't request delisting yet of course - you only get one shot).

Not sure where your link came from but my previous link certainly confirms(ed) spam trap hits as the cause of listing.

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My server ( pepperjack.pepperjack.com has been added to the blocked list today.

As suggested I went to the site http://psbl.surriel.com and found that the problem seems to be spamtrap mail.

Where should I begin?  I am new to spam tracking.


Well, you found evidence of spamtrap hits on another system that has no connection to SpamCop.net, so it's pretty apparent that yes, there is a spew issue. However, te question then becomes, did you follow the links on that site to check the "evidence" .???? http://psbl.surriel.com/evidence?ip=67.15....=Check+evidence shows two entries at present .... header data doesn't look good ....

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... header data doesn't look good ....


And the body looks worse. What a great resource psbl.surriel.com is! Can't rely on hits on the psbl spam traps at the same time as the SCBL ones, even so ... I would point out that the evidence from the psbl is far more complete than anything the SC Deputies are likely to release.
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Thanks everyone!

With your help I was able to find the offending domain (fuzzydragonmartialartssupplies.com) and the client was running OSCommerce.

With just a small amount of research I was able to find that OSCommerce was susceptable to spammers.

We have addressed this issue and hopefully this will no longer be a problem.

Thanks again, you guys are the best!

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