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Usage changes?


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Looking at the reporting graph (stats) something has definitely changed recently.

The number of spam messages be submitted shows a huge increase while the number of reports filed remains about the same. In fact, the number of filed reports is now less than the number of messages submitted.

Either there has been a change in how the stats are provided or there has been a huge increase in the number of people who submit messages but fail to complete the process or cancel their reports.

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I noticed that myself, it may also be that with all the outages we have had lately people have started to rely on quick or web interface reporting which generate less reports. Definitely something is out of wack with the stats...

I should also note that an unusual large fraction of the spam I get now (>80%) simply sieves through the filters, a reverse of the trends I have seen up to a few weeks ago, that may also be tied to the reduction in reports being sent..

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A similar "interesting period" occurred for 24.0 hours back in late November - see http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...indpost&p=36727 and the next few posts in that Topic for details.


Thanks for the reference.

So far the patterns do seem that same.

Lets see it is only the same temporary situation or if it continues this time.

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No answer to my queries, what's new? On the other hand, the results of this last "announced" outage (ignoring that the last three unannounced outages lasted just as long if not longer) and the included "new software" has also led to some traffic in a number of different places dealing with some "new" parsing/reporting results and actions ... not all discussions are favorable. I'm actually a bit surprised that there hasn't been a roll-back on the software yet, but .... maybe his feeds into the planning involved of doing some kind of major change on a Friday ....????? will the actual programmers involved even notice the difference until Monday morning?

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will the actual programmers involved even notice the difference until Monday morning?


or maybe even Tuesday morning, given Presidents' Day this coming Monday?
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Looking at the reporting graph (stats) something has definitely changed recently.

The number of spam messages be submitted shows a huge increase while the number of reports filed remains about the same.  In fact, the number of filed reports is now less than the number of messages submitted.

Yeah. Something was odd going on, that's for sure.

Either there has been a change in how the stats are provided or there has been a huge increase in the number of people who submit messages but fail to complete the process or cancel their reports.

I think those conclusions assume facts not in evidence. It would take *all* users suddenly submitting but not reporting spam to account for what we're seeing. And even that might not do it.

Much more likely one or more of the reporting servers were stalled for some reason, or even busy doing something else, such as refreshing a big database, or running a complicated stats process.

No telling now, though. I looked through everything I have and couldn't see anything that would account for a sudden slowdown in reporting relative to submissions.

Things have evened out now. It looks like we're back to normal.

- Don -

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Things have evened out now.  It looks like we're back to normal.


Hi Don!

Thanks for stopping in with some response. I'm not sure if we're discussing a problem or just an interesting fact <_< But this is the Lounge so I guess most things go here.

You note thatthings have evened out and there does seem to be an equality between the volume of spam submitted and the volume of spam reported on the graphs.

However, prior to this issue arising reports sent were typically twice the volume or spam submitted.

The reports sent graph have maintained their normal level whereas spam submitted rose steeply back on Thursday/Friday and although now dropped back somewhat, the submiited levels are still much higher than previously - now at the same level as reports sent.

As I say, I don't know if this is a problem. So this isn't a complaint or grouse. Just a curious observation. Indeed, perhaps the position before last Friday was a fault condition and something has been fixed now but as dbiel originally noted something has changed ;)


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