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SpamCop Reporting Down

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This message was a notification that the SpamCop parsing tool was broken a few hours ago. Your complaint would better be handled over in the Help Forum, although there is a WebTV "community" that deals with spam, SpamCop, reporting, handling, etc. Perhpas others there would have better insight as to what may be going on with your "no access" issues.

Hmmm, OK, this appears to have been moved by Don this morning ..

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Hi,sorry but what does this mean?

I am a webtv user and have been sending my spam but the last week I have not been getting the emails telling me to report the spam, please advise, thanks

Use your access link to check on the status of your account. Just pretend you want to manually report spam. SpamCop will likely tell you what the problem is.

If not, send me the address you registered with us and I'll look into it.

- Don -

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Hey thanks, ok it says my email is bouncing but it is not, so I do not know what is going on, this is the message I got "Bounce error

Your email address, stephane569[at]webtv.net has returned a bounce:

Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

Reason: 4.107.102 (in reply to RCPT TO

so I clicked 'problem solved" but there is no way my mail is boucing, I keep it clean several times a day and nothing else has bounced, so now what address do you need from me? my email? I am not sure what you mean, thanks

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Is this another WebTV blocking SpamCop e-mails again? Seems like Don just went through this again a week or so ago. One of the issues seems to be WebTV users reporting the SpamCop 'traffic' messages as spam.

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Is this another WebTV blocking SpamCop e-mails again?  Seems like Don just went through this again a week or so ago.  One of the issues seems to be WebTV users reporting the SpamCop 'traffic' messages as spam.

Reporting SpamCop "traffic" messages as spam seems very logical ;)

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I don't see your humuor there, sorry. The "traffic" reports referred to include the "your spam has been processed" notes .. and this is a reaction to spam submitted for parsing .. sorry, I don't see the logic of using the tool to report spam, then using the tool to report a "result" message.

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Is this another WebTV blocking SpamCop e-mails again?  Seems like Don just went through this again a week or so ago.  One of the issues seems to be WebTV users reporting the SpamCop 'traffic' messages as spam.

Reporting SpamCop "traffic" messages as spam seems very logical ;)

You have a warped sense of logic, buddy! Anyone caught "reporting the SpamCop 'traffic' messages as spam" will be disciplined.

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You have a warped sense of logic, buddy!  Anyone caught "reporting the SpamCop 'traffic' messages as spam" will be disciplined.

Not necessarily - if a WebTV user reports SC "traffic" messages as spam to WebTV there is no guarantee that WebTV would do anything more than dismiss it as an accident made by a clueless user. (Ever read one of WebTV's auto-acks?)

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for the last 3 days all my reports were unanswered (see my previous posts). I deleted my mailhost configurations which only resulted in errors (seems my spammer is forging the information anyways). I have recoursed to cutting and pasting my reports manually on the website. That can be frustrating and time consuming when you are flooded with spam.

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Wow, not very nice" another clueless webtv user" I dont think so buddy, I have been a user 7 years and even taught myself HTML I would not have a PC if you gave it to me, so you may want to remove the foot from your mouth, all I was doing was trying to get help from this forum, clearly this was a mistake on my part as I ended up just getting insulted, I was under the impression this was a forum fo help, sorry I was wrong

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Thanks, its just I am so sick of people treating webtv users like something they scraped from the bottom of their shoes lol, I love my webtv and yes it is slower than a PC, well some anyway but it works for me and I dont have to worry about viruses or it crashing like I hear my PC friends complaining about all the time, anyway I still need help regarding my spam reports not getting to spam cop so if someone would like to help a lowly webtv user lol, that would be great and I tried to go to the webtv forum but it brought me here, so I dont know what happened to the webtv group, thanks

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I can understand your frustration with being labeled a "webtv user" but I think you read the post too quickly. He wasn't saying all webtv users are clueless, but that webtv would ignore the reports thinking they came from /one/ clueless webtv user. Every system has them! I think my husband would like to use webtv for email. He doesn't like the idea that anything could happen when we are online.

Your problem seems to be that your emails are bouncing. Sometimes people seem to have that problem - that the email address they registered with spamcop starts bouncing email. I don't remember why - probably several reasons.

Since I don't use webtv, I don't know all the special circumstances involved. apparently, webtv has been blocking spamcop off and on for a while now. That might have some bearing on your problem

You need to email service at admin.spamcop.net Don't post your email address here as the spammer spiders will pick it up. Perhaps using this new mailblocks will solve your problem also.

Miss Betsy

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I don't use webtv, yet I forwarded several spams today and have yet to get them confirmed. I reset my submission a few times. I get the report once or twice then stop getting them alltogether, or if lucky get them 3 days later when it's too late to report...

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Try posting the headers (and just the frigging headers this time) on one of those that you say you don't receive for three days. Let's get specific and see where these are getting held up. As stated before, it's pretty dang hrad to "guess" at your issues when compared to others that say no porblem, others mention a few minutes, some might say hours, but you tend to go with never, except sometimes too late.

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