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VIAGRA 70% 71% Problem

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I keep getting these emails and cannot get rid of them.

I did find the filter in the web interface and that does work e.g I put viagra in the filter and whenever I log in it works a treat, however I don't use the web interface I use the pop3 interface.

Does anyone know how I can stop these infernal Viagra emails? PLEASE.

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Does anyone know how I can stop these infernal Viagra emails? PLEASE.

Some suggestions...

1. make sure you've selected all the blacklists in the SpamCop Options found in webmail

2. if you've still got the default SA threshhold of 5, consider lowering it to 4 or 3

3. if that doesn't work, then use a POP client on your computer that can do some filtering


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1) All blacklists are selected

2) Threshold has always been at 3

3) If I wanted to filter on a local machine I wouldnt have signed up for spamcop in the first place

Thanks for the reply though.

Bascially the custom filters don't work on a pop3 account and I feel they should. The filters should be applied to the message as soon as the arrive to the account and not dependent on using the web interface.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting this crap every single day and I'm sick of it. Every time the sender is "VIAGRA ® Official Site" and the subject line is something like "RE: December 70% OFF"

I don't understand how something so predictable gets through the filter every single time

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Monkey, Rimmel,

If your using the POP interface I would suggest that you add a filter to your mail app.

I use Thunderbird and have added a filter that looks for the word "viagra" in the body, From:, and TO: That catches most of them for me.

Perhaps the issue is an understanding of what SpamCop does. SpamCop build a list of IP addresses that send spam. The spammers keep changing IP addresses to get around the list. Now if the spammer sends the same email (December 70%) from different IPs (computers) day after day it may look like nothing is being done.

Your email application (IE, TB or what ever) uses a different tack, it looks at the user text (what you see). So it can filter out emails with the word "viagra" in them. The problem is that they will also filter out emails from your brother or doctor that include the word viagra.

You will have to ask someone that uses the SpamCop email to be sure, but I think I remember reading here that if you have SpamCop forward you mail, it will filter it first.

In any case spam filtering is a dynamic operation. The spammers try to change faster as we change to block them. That is why the black list keeps changing, because they keep changing. Of course, if you don't report those that get through the SpamCop filter their IP address may not be added to the black list and you will keep getting spam from that source.

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Does anyone know how I can stop these infernal Viagra emails? PLEASE.

You also have Greylisting enabled?

Most spammers do not use mail servers Greylisting will often cause their spam run to hang on connection(spam runs can last for days from a single spammer)

SpamCop Geylisting will look for whitelisting before a temporary bounce. A competant mailserver recognises a temporary bounce and resends 30 minutes later (SpamCop remembers the email address of first bounce letting 2nd Attempt through 30 minutes to hour later)

Some spam will still get to held mail after spammer has to restart their spam run again. This is mainly caught by SpamCop spam filters (as in almost always)

Always report spam even in Held Folder. Even quick reporting which is done at simple click of mouse. This gets spam reported to ISP and or Authorities and added to the SCBL if spam keeps coming

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The messages I see from this "sender" do not have VIAGRA in the subject line. Rather, they have subjects such as "December 70% off". They score high enough on SpamAssassin that they all get caught.

I do note, however, that the "From" email address is usually set to be the same as the "To" address, in my case, a webmaster[at] address. If you have this in your whitelist, it won't get stopped.

Examine the message source and see what SpamCop did with it. You may need to adjust your whitelist to not have any addresses you receive mail at.

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