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Can someone help me get off the Blocklist please?


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Hi, somehow our mailings have triggered us to be placed on your blocklist. We send eNewsletters to a lot of clients and have been using Lyris (a professional mailing company) to send our emails through.

We closely follow spam laws and adhere in every area. However, our mailing IP ( has been placed on your block list and now I'm getting hundreds of emails from our customers that are complaining because they're no longer receiving our mailings.

Could someone please help me rectify this?

Thank You


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Volume Statistics for this IP

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day ........ 3.7 .. -88%

Last 30 days .. 5.3 .. 315%

Average ........ 4.6

You say "you" are blocked. From the identity of the server, I'd say it was another Hurrican Electric e-mail server that (was) blocked.

Did you rake the time to at least browse the "Why am I Blocked? read before posting" Pinned / FAQ entry?

If you believe you are still having some kind of blocking issue, you'll need to provide some evidence of that, noting that (as the FAQ tries to explain) SpamCop blocks nothing ... it's the use of BL data at the rcipient that you are referring to ... and sometimes, those ISPs have some configuration problems ....

"spam laws" are total crap at this point and have lirrle bearing on finding your e-mail server's IP on a BL somewhere ... second suggestion made to take a look at the FAQ here for further data on "responsible use of mailing lists" ....

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In addition to the info posted above:

SpamCop reports of would currently go to abuse<at>he.net.

Recent reports of issues concerning are as follows:

Submitted: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:23:03 PM -0500:

eReader.com New Releases - March 15th, 2005

1382002934 ( http://list.eReader.com/t/403247/7377178/100637... ) To: mole<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1382002933 ( ) To: mole<at>devnull.spamcop.net


Submitted: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:18:54 PM -0500:

Special Offers From PocketGear.com

1379500601 ( http://www.mpegtv.com/privacy.html ) To: abuse-isp<at>covad.com

1379500600 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/400936/2170788/119/0/ ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1379500599 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1379500598 ( ) To: spamcop<at>imaphost.com

1379500596 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/400936/2170788/119/0/ ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1379500594 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net


Submitted: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:22:31 PM -0500:

Special Offers from PalmSource

1378548222 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1378548219 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net


Submitted: Thursday, March 10, 2005 4:50:22 PM -0500:

**spam** Special Offers From PocketGear.com

1378385032 ( http://www.mpegtv.com/privacy.html ) To: abuse-isp<at>covad.com

1378385031 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/400936/2243618/119/0/ ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1378385030 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1378385024 ( ) To: spamcop<at>imaphost.com

1378385017 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/400936/2243618/119/0/ ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1378385016 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net


Submitted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 7:23:32 PM -0500:

Special Offers from PalmSource

1377717804 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1377717803 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net


Submitted: Thursday, March 03, 2005 4:39:09 PM -0500:

eReader.com Weekend Specials - March3rd, 2005

1373132328 ( http://www.ereader.com/promo?refid=45356 ) To: mole<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373132321 ( ) To: mole<at>devnull.spamcop.net


Submitted: Thursday, March 03, 2005 4:14:31 PM -0500:

Special Offers From PocketGear.com

1373617130 ( http://www.pocketgear.com/policy.asp ) To: abuse#savvis.net<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617129 ( http://www.pocketgear.com/index.asp ) To: abuse#savvis.net<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617127 ( http://www.pocketgear.com/policy.asp ) To: abuse#inflow.net<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617126 ( http://www.pocketgear.com/index.asp ) To: abuse#inflow.net<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617125 ( http://bluetooth.i-networx.de/download_e.html ) To: postmaster<at>versatel.de

1373617124 ( http://bluetooth.i-networx.de/download_e.html ) To: abuse<at>versatel.de

1373617122 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/398369/1841994/119/0/ ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617119 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

1373617114 ( ) To: spamcop<at>imaphost.com

1373617112 ( http://list.PocketGear.com/t/398369/1841994/119/0/ ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1373617108 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net


Submitted: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 12:02:32 PM -0500:

eReader.com Tuesday New Releases - March 1st, 2005

1371412758 ( ) To: abuse<at>he.net

1371412757 ( ) To: abuse#sparklist.com<at>devnull.spamcop.net

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Whilst I can't say whether Lyris is as reputable as you believe or their website suggests, it is quite possible that some of their clients are, unlike, you not responsible in their mailing procedures.

Because Lyris has large blocks of IP addresses and appears to service a large number of clients it is very possible that one or more of these less careful Lyris customers are, indeed, spamming and, as a result, getting Lyris servers listed and hence you are getting caught at the same time.

As others have noted the server is not currently listed in the SpamCop BL and you would need to post the actual rejection message if you are continuing to get rejection messages.

Sadly, as many folk have noted elsewhere, the spammers spoil it for everyone.


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It appears that eReader.com, PocketGear.com, and PalmSource are entirely responsible for sourcing all of the emails that generated the recent reports against that IP Address. I suggest that you contact Lyris/Sparklist and/or Hurricane Electric about this issue.

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First of all, thank you SOOO much for your response on this issue. I really appreciate it.

Here is a copy of one report:

Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:04:45 Sending email to: resnick1[at]bezeqint.net

<-- DNS info available for: bezeqint.net

--> Attempting to connect to: bezeqint.net ( 25)

<-- Connected to: bezeqint.net ( 25)

<-- 554 Mail from refused, see RBL server bl.spamcop.net

And another:

Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:04:18 Sending email to: reesr[at]wi.net

<-- DNS info available for: wi.net

--> Attempting to connect to: wi.net ( 25)

<-- Connected to: wi.net ( 25)

<-- 220 mail-in-2.wi.net ESMTP Postfix

--> HELO list.eReader.com

<-- 250 mail-in-2.wi.net

--> MAIL FROM: bounce-406095-7637171[at]list.eReader.com

<-- 250 Ok

--> RCPT TO:<reesr[at]wi.net>

<-- 554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using bl.spamcop.net; Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?

As for our IP & Lyris. We're on a dedicated machine so that we don't get taken down by other mailers. So, do you have any suggestions besides what's found in the FAQ's etc?

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Those bounces appear to be from last Thursday morning. Do you have any current ones? SCBL listings normally expire after 48 hours.

Are you sure you have motricity.lyris.net [] all to yourself? If you are, then there is a problem with that server being hijacked somehow by eReader.com, PocketGear.com, and PalmSource.

What did Lyris/Sparklist and/or Hurricane Electric have to say when you contacted them about this issue of SCBL listing of motricity.lyris.net [] on Thursday due to multiple reports of spam coming from that server?


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Also, are eReader.com, PocketGear.com, and/or PalmSource affiliated with your organization in any way?

Yes, Motricity owns 5 main sites: PalmGear, PalmSource, PocketGear, eReader and SymbianGear ... so we send out newsletters for each brand seperately.

Lyris told me that people get lazy and push the "spam" options on their mailing client and that they tried to work with SpamCop but didn't get anywhere.

We're moving to ExactTarget in a couple of months ... they're more capable of our mailing quantities.

So, THEY say there's nothing we can do. I'm guessing that while our mailing is going out, some of the first to recieve the mailing are doing the "lazy-opt-out" and just pressing "spam" and then we get on your filters for the rest of the mailing. So everyone else on the list (with your filters) are missing the mailing altogether.


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Best options would seem to be as I suggested in my last. It would appear from your last that mailing list management does appear to be part of the picture. Just wondering what "e-mail client" has the "lazy option of a spam" button ...??? For most folks, reporting takes a bit of work ....

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Well we've sent out a mailing today (PalmGear.com) and I don't think we spiked to hit your filter. However, the problem is occuring when we send to our "eReader.com" list. Yes, I'd take responsibility for making sure that our list is clean and up-to-date. We have a mailing for this list on Tues (10am ET) and I would be willing to bet that we'll hit the blocklist during this mailing. I just wish there was a way to stay off the list altogether, ya know?

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A mailing list described as "clean and up to date" doesn't translate to only sending to folks that want it, evidenced by the complaints .... There seems to be a disconnect involved here. Hint: all my spam wants me to believe that I signed up for / requested all the cheap drugs, body manipulation chemicals, the "free" porn, inside stock tips, and most definitely all the security checks on accounts that I don't have ....

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... the problem is occuring when we send to our "eReader.com" list. Yes, I'd take responsibility for making sure that our list is clean and up-to-date.
if your list is contaminated with unconfirmed subscribers who happen to be spamcop users or spamtraps, the only way to avoid future spamcop reports will be to start over with an empty list.
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Well we've sent out a mailing today (PalmGear.com) and I don't think we spiked to hit your filter. However, the problem is occuring when we send to our "eReader.com" list. Yes, I'd take responsibility for making sure that our list is clean and up-to-date. We have a mailing for this list on Tues (10am ET) and I would be willing to bet that we'll hit the blocklist during this mailing. I just wish there was a way to stay off the list altogether, ya know?


Petzls tips for marketing by email

Assuming you are using Best Practice (look under Consent) You also need to use a common email address and do not change it. Many ISP's use a number of Blocklists (sometimes ISP's just send you to SpamCop if you are on any of them!)

With a WhiteList it will override any BlackList making sure your email passes. Always state for users to list your domain name in their email whitelist. I always reccomend Hotmail address for mass emails/news lists to be sent to (using a 8 or better alphanumeric logon like 1_2_Buckle_my_shoe_3_4[at]hotmail.com

Also ask for your clients to respond every six months to keep your mailing list legitimate if no response use snail mail/telephone to contact them further

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Recent reports of issues concerning are as follows:


It looks to me like these reports might indeed all be bogus. Unfortunately, there are SpamCop users who report batches of mail without appropriate caution. While the suggestion about whitelisting is well-intended, many users aren't offered this capability by their email providers. Further compounding the problem is the fact that many ISP's are using the SCBL to block incoming mail, rather than using it as a tool to filter and/or tag and divert mail from possible problem servers.

I think the best option for Motricity would be to get in touch with the SpamCop Deputies and show them some of the potentially bogus spam complaints. The Deputies can then follow up with the SpamCop users involved and determine appropriate action, such as revoking their reporting priviledges.

You can reach the Deputies at: deputies <at> spamcop <dot> net


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DT - Thank you SO SO SO much for your response ... we have a mailing that will be going out in just a few minutes and (once again) I fear that it's going to get hit by SCBL. How would I go about getting these bogus spam complaints? I'm going to try get intouch with a SC Deputy now ... so they can watch the issue as this mailing sends.

DT - thanks once again!!

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I believe they are not all bogus.  :o


No, I doubt they're all bogus as well ... however, there many ways to unsubscribe from our mailings. So 'spam' reporting should be minimal (if any).

Mail is now sending ... and I'm waiting the SCBL closely!

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the problem is occuring when we send to our "eReader.com" list. Yes, I'd take responsibility for making sure that our list is clean and up-to-date.


How EXACTLY do email addresses get added to your "eReader.com" list?

Seeing that this is a Tuesday, were you writing about sending the "Weekly Newsletter" described at http://www.ereader.com/subscribe/newsletter today?

Are you following the requirements for running mailing lists responsibly? Please see the newly revised FAQ Entry: Am I Running Mailing Lists Responsibly?.

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I believe they are not all bogus.

...and the basis for your belief is? There are a few positive hits for this IP in the OpenRBL ([at]ISP/blackholes.us, AUDNSBL/dnsbl.net.au, and FIVETEN/sparklist.com.bulk):




I think the first is due to a bad reputation of thier upstream host ISP (HE ="Hurricane Electric"). The second seems to involve hitting a network address....here's a link to a "spam sample":


The third listing is due to the connnection with/use of Lyris/Sparklist, who they define as "bulk":

Bulk mailers that don't require confirmed opt-in from their customers, or that have have allowed known spammers to become clients

However, looking up the transmitting IP in Google (web and groups) results in nothing at all. So, this might very well be a case of "guilt by association" as opposed to any bad behavior on the part of Motricity.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary, Merlyn?


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This probably doesn't mean much ;)

SPAMCANNIBAL the SpamCannibal project: bl.spamcannibal.org ->

blocked, See: http://www.spamcannibal.org/cannibal.cgi?p...p=


STBL spam Trap dnsbl: bl.spam-trap.net ->

1086617992 (Mon Jun 7 16:19:52 2004) HE.net Blocked by STBL, see http://www.stop-spam.info/lookup.php?ip=


DNSBLAUT1 Reynolds Technology Type 1: t1.dnsbl.net.au ->

see http://dnsbl.net.au/rmst/ and http://dnsbl.net.au/lookup/?


DNSBLAURMST dnsbl.net.au Multiple spam Traps: rmst.dnsbl.net.au ->

see http://dnsbl.net.au/rmst/ and http://dnsbl.net.au/lookup/?


DRBL-VOTE-SANDY Distributed RBL node: sandy.ru: vote.drbl.sandy.ru ->

041005:Lyris Technologies


DRBL-WORK-SANDY Distributed RBL node: sandy.ru: work.drbl.sandy.ru ->

zaraza:041005:Lyris Technologies


DRBL-WORK-GREMLIN Distributed RBL node: gremlin.ru: work.drbl.gremlin.ru ->

vote.drbl.sandy.ru[at]ns.sci-nnov.ru:041005:Lyris Technologies

Recent Reports:

Submitted: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:23:03 PM -0500:

eReader.com New Releases - March 15th, 2005

Submitted: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:18:54 PM -0500:

Special Offers From PocketGear.com

Submitted: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:22:31 PM -0500:

Special Offers from PalmSource

Submitted: Thursday, March 10, 2005 4:50:22 PM -0500:

**spam** Special Offers From PocketGear.com

Submitted: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 7:23:32 PM -0500:

Special Offers from PalmSource



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This probably doesn't mean much  ;)

No, it might not, in that it looks like most of what you posted is host-reputation based, as I mentioned in my message. You don't find anything recent in the "sightings" newsgroup, do you? The ones you linked to were almost a year old, and involved transmissions made through a different bulk mailing provider, "elabs1.com" (actually "Uptilt, Inc."). We'd have to ask the OP if there's any connection between Uptilt and Motricity.

And then, you ended with this list of SpamCop report hits:

Recent Reports:

Submitted: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:23:03 PM -0500:

eReader.com New Releases - March 15th, 2005

Submitted: Friday, March 11, 2005 1:18:54 PM -0500:

Special Offers From PocketGear.com


which may very well only indicate some sloppy behavior on the part of those SpamCop users and nothing more. Therefore, my suggestion of Deputy involvement to resolve those is still on track, don't you think?


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