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[Resolved] Stuck mail delivery?

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My Spamcop account is set up to collect mail from my ISP by POP3 (since my ISP doesn't support mail forwarding). I've noticed this morning that not all the e-mail in the ISP's mailbox is appearing in my Spamcop inbox; about 1 in 3 perfectly legitimate messages is simply vanishing, and is not in "Trash" or "Held Mail". I've verified this by sending a couple of groups of 3 messages; in one case 1 out of the 3 messages was delivered, and in the other case 2 out of the 3.

This has happened before and was due to a stuck mail server at Spamcop. I've reported the matter via the "Report Problem" facility of webmail, so hopefully it'll get sorted out when America wakes up!



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I wish I could help but I use forwarding rather than POP to access my mail. Though I believe that this is the first time I have heard of this problem. Hoping someone else may be able to shed some light on the subject

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I'm seeing similar problems; in my case I can tell you that one of two daily emails from my system to my spamcop account got successfully delivered to mx.spamcop.net (250 return code) but did not get delivered to my spamcop account (did not show up in either Inbox or Held Mail) -- the daily security report got delivered but the daily status report did not. Both of these are sent to root on my system, which forwards to jtrigg+root[at]spamcop.net, and before today I had no problems receiving them. Additionally, there are missing messages in Yahoo groups where I see replies but not the original messages; Yahoo is set to send directly to my spamcop account.


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Hi Chris,

Posting here and sending an alert via the form is probably about as much as you can do. Any major server problem would trigger alerts but you can imagine that anything less than catastrophe mightn't do that. It wouldn't hurt to send an email (maybe through Hotmail or whatever) - service[at]cesmail.net - just to be sure.


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I'm experiencing the same problem today--mysterious non-appearance of messages that I'm 100% certain have been sent from various systems, but that haven't bounced back to the senders and aren't in my SpamCop inbox. I'll report the problem as well. If Wazoo is around, it would be nice if he could "page JT" using whatever backchannel options he has.


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Yup. Happening here too. This seems to happen every few months. It's really getting frustrating. I just renewed my Spamcop account too, even though I swore after the last time that I wouldn't do so again if this kept happening.

I'm losing about 1 out of every 3 messages. As in the past, I assume that whenever someone at Spamcop realizes what's happened, they'll kick a server and things will come through, but I really wish they were more responsive whenever this happens.

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If Wazoo is around, it would be nice if he could "page JT" using whatever backchannel options he has.

Fighting my own network/system issues .... some strange hardware issues, believing it to be temperature related, it was over 120 degrees (F) in the living room a couple of days ago and things have been wonky ever since ... anyway, tried to call, not even a voice-mail thing today, it simply stopped ringing. Yet another e-mail sent ..... (from a system that BIOS reports a keyboard failure at boot, so I can't move down the grub menu [yet the keyboard works just fine, used to type this under Ubuntu 10] ... using VNC to connect to my e-mail machine because that system's monitor decided to play games with coming up with about 80% of the screen (centered) decides to go black, then blooming the black to the edges, returning to act like a display on its own time/terms ... sometimes a rap of the power switch, sometimes at system re-boot, sometimes when it just feels like it .. and running out through a temporary router install as the normal router seems to have scrambled the programmed DHCP settings, currently buried behind a couple of stacks of packed storage boxes ... a bit of a mess and small nightmare)

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I've just done some analysis of what's getting through vs. what's not, and for my account at least, it appears that messages forwarded to my normal spamcop address *are* getting through, while those sent to "plussed" variations on my address (such as "myaddress+vpsnotification[at]spamcop.net") are not getting through.

(on edit) Spoke too soon--just got one through that was forwarded to a frequently-used "plussed" variation, and shot 3 in a row to my normal address and the third didn't make it, so it's not as simple as this (and yes, I see Jim's details above that also speak to random failures).

I checked the headers of some of the messages that have gotten through, and they were handled by different receiving servers (mxin1.cesmail.net and mxin2.cesmail.net) and different filtering ("filter, blade") servers.


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Thanks. Any idea what caused it?

One of the servers acted like it was doing it's assigned tasks but rather it was internally accepting mail for processing and not actually processing it and sending it on. The server only handles a portion of the inbound mails so most mails were being processed correctly and placed in user folders.

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